openjournals / whedon

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bibtex example fails to compile #83

Open simonbyrne opened 4 years ago

simonbyrne commented 4 years ago

The url in the sample bibtex returns the following error:

 Your paper failed to compile with the following errors:

Looks like we failed to compile the PDF with the following error: Error producing PDF. ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000]. \reserved@a ->\def \reserved@a *{\@hspacer }\reserved@a l.500 ...pace{0pt}} 

This appears to refer to this bibtex entry:

  author = {​A. Smith},
  title = {Fidgit: An ungodly union of GitHub and Figshare},
  year = {2020},
  publisher = {​GitHub},
  journal = {​GitHub repository},
  url = {​}

This can be reproduced by running the whedon preview on this repository: (which is basically the sample from the above link with the figure references removed).