openoakland / woeip

A platform for impacted communities to understand their local air quality and advocate for environmental justice.
MIT License
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375 Changed cvs typo to csv #432

Closed exchrotek closed 2 years ago

exchrotek commented 2 years ago



Issue: #375

Changed cvs typo to csv

exchrotek commented 2 years ago

15103@LAPTOP-LPI5LMA3 MINGW64 ~/woeip (csv_typo) $ docker compose exec api /bin/bash unable to upgrade to tcp, received 409

15103@LAPTOP-LPI5LMA3 MINGW64 ~/woeip (csv_typo) $ docker compose exec api /bin/bash Error response from daemon: Container 6d9370085cdd80ef24a6b6cee 382eef9dbc08c1ab81f13a14f8fa02b4018c420 is restarting, wait until the container is running

@TangoYankee Seems like my woaq-api container is stuck in a restarting state, which makes sense why I'm getting the error above when I try to execute it. Do you know what might be causing that?

This text file has all the commands run prior test_failed.txt