openradar / PyDDA

Pythonic multiple doppler code based off the 3D variational technique
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ENH: Addition of point constraints and easier to add cost functions. #53

Closed rcjackson closed 4 years ago

rcjackson commented 4 years ago

PyDDA will now support constraints around single point observations! This works by constraining points that are around a prescribed sphere of influence centered around the point observation. This sphere's radius is adjustable by changing the radius of influence parameter, so one can control how much point observations will be weighed into the surrounding environment. This is particularly useful for filling in the gaps near the surface that would not otherwise be covered by radars.

In addition, I have cleaned up the J_function and grad_J functions by incorporating a new DDParameters class to store the (now 35) parameters that these functions take!

In addition, one can now automatically pull all of the Iowa Mesonet ASOS network observations for their grid automatically from the archive. This covers decades of data over numerous regions of the globe.