opensearch-project / opensearch-api-specification

API specification for OpenSearch
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[BUG] OpenAPI spec validation failed on missing descriptions and name pattern #633

Closed zelinh closed 3 weeks ago

zelinh commented 1 month ago

What is the bug?

I tried to load the opensearch API spec YAML into a python client openapi-spec-validator. However, when running the spec validation with python client, it fails on different aspects.

How can one reproduce the bug?

Download the opensearch-api-spec YAML.

pip install openapi-spec-validator

Run this python script

from openapi_spec_validator import validate
from openapi_spec_validator.readers import read_from_filename

spec_file = "/.../Downloads/opensearch-openapi.yaml"
# Load your OpenAPI spec (YAML format)
spec_dict, base_uri = read_from_filename(spec_file)
# If no exception is raised by validate(), the spec is valid.

Will see error

openapi_spec_validator.validation.exceptions.OpenAPIValidationError: 'description' is a required property

Failed validating 'required' in schema['properties']['components']['properties']['responses']['additionalProperties']['else']:
    {'$comment': '',
     'type': 'object',
     'properties': {'description': {'type': 'string'},
                    'headers': {'type': 'object',
                                'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/$defs/header-or-reference'}},
                    'content': {'$ref': '#/$defs/content'},
                    'links': {'type': 'object',
                              'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '#/$defs/link-or-reference'}}},
     'required': ['description'],
     '$ref': '#/$defs/specification-extensions',
     'unevaluatedProperties': False}

On instance['components']['responses']['indices.create_data_stream@200']:
    {'content': {'application/json': {'schema': {'$ref': '#/components/schemas/_common:AcknowledgedResponseBase'}}}}

After manually updating the component description, we would see another error regarding of the component schema name issue such as info@200/_common:Name don't match the pattern.

What is the expected behavior?

The API spec yaml should be validated by spec validator for OpenAPI 3.1.

What is your host/environment?

MacOS, python 3.9.13

dblock commented 1 month ago

We have a linter/validator for various parts of the spec, and should add thirdparty validators like this one to

dblock commented 1 month ago

I added a python and ruby workflow that uses various libraries to validate the spec in and got ... thousands of errors from the Ruby one ;) Before I go and attempt to fix some of them would love to hear from @nhtruong about what we should be doing here.

zelinh commented 1 month ago

Yeah. I was seeing the great amount of errors when using this kind of spec validator. Those all look legit according to the documentations from OpenAPI 3.1.0. I would like to hear what we plan as well. :)

nhtruong commented 1 month ago

The files in /spec folders are not typical OpenAPI spec files due to the way the files and components are divided (the $ref objects are not all in a root file like you will see in other OpenAPI specs), and many OpenAPI parsers can't handle this. The merged spec file, however, should be able to pass the OpenAPI validation.

zelinh commented 3 weeks ago

One new issue i found is: For example /_bulk, we specify the requestBodies for bulk as an array which conflicts with the application/x-ndjson format, which uses newline-delimited JSON rather than a JSON array. We should specify whichever schema for application/x-ndjson as a String.


dblock commented 3 weeks ago

@zelinh I think this is a separate problem, want to extract this to a new issue.

I have validation passing in

zelinh commented 3 weeks ago

Just created a new issue for this found. Thanks for the fix on validation.

@zelinh I think this is a separate problem, want to extract this to a new issue.

I have validation passing in #646.