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Note: There are bugs within the `graceful shutdown` process of many HTTP server backends that can cause the process to hang. #2

Open czy-29 opened 4 months ago

czy-29 commented 4 months ago


This issue will list the associated issues or PRs for each buggy backend one by one. They may have been solved and released, or solved but not yet released, or not yet resolved. The main purpose of this issue is to serve as a reminder.

For backends with unfixed or unreleased bugs, we will provide temporary workarounds (through tokio::task::AbortHandle::abort()). But when the bug is finally fixed and released, the workaround should be removed and updated to the official implementation.

This issue will be closed when all backend hang bugs are fixed and released.

Summary of current status:

  1. The warp backend is waiting for fix[1][2] and cannot work properly, and there is no perfect workaround solution, so the backend is temporarily removed[3]. Since other backends have fixed the bug, if warp still has not fixed the bug after one month until July 1st, this issue will be closed and the warp backend will be permanently removed.
  2. The remaining backends (salvo, poem, actix-web, axum, rocket, viz, ntex) may or may not have had bugs in the past, but in short they are currently working fine.



当所有后端的hang bug都修复并发布后,这个issue将会被关闭。


  1. warp后端正在等待修复[1][2],无法正常工作,且没有完美Workaround方案,因此暂时移除了该后端[3]。由于其它后端均已修复该bug,因此等一个月至7月1日,如果warp依然没有修复该bug,该issue将会关闭,且warp后端将被永久移除。
  2. 其余后端(salvopoemactix-webaxumrocketvizntex)可能曾经有bug,可能一直没有,但总之它们目前工作正常。
czy-29 commented 4 months ago

salvo (fixed and released in v0.67.2 - 已修复并发布于v0.67.2): issue: pr:

czy-29 commented 4 months ago

poem (fixed and released in v3.0.0 - 已修复并发布于v3.0.0): issue: pr:

czy-29 commented 4 months ago

actix-web does not have this bug. actix-web不存在此bug。

czy-29 commented 4 months ago

axum (fixed and released in hyper-util v0.1.4): issue:

This is actually a lower-level hyper-util bug (fixed and released in v0.1.4): issue: pr:

The following bug has been fixed (24.05.09), and the patch has been returned to the current HEAD version:

But in fact, currently (24.05.08) the HEAD commit of hyper-util is still buggy, so our workaround cannot simply patch hyper-util to the git address, but needs to lock it to a commit without bugs (see: For details about this bug, see the following PR comment: And issue:

When both axum and hyper-util release updates containing these fixes, we should update the version number of axum and revert the commits: , , , and

axum(已修复并发布于hyper-util v0.1.4): issue:

这个其实是更底层的hyper-util的bug(已修复并发布于v0.1.4): issue: pr:


但实际上目前(24.05.08)hyper-utilHEAD提交依然是有bug的,因此我们的workaround不能简单地将hyper-util patch到git地址上,而是需要锁定到一个没有bug的提交上(见: )。对于这个bug的详情,见以下pr评论: 以及issue:

axumhyper-util都发布了包含这些修复的更新之后,我们应当更新axum的版本号,并撤回提交: ,和

czy-29 commented 4 months ago

rocket does not have this bug. rocket不存在此bug。

czy-29 commented 4 months ago

warp (not fixed): issue:

This is very similar to the Axum bug above, but the solution using the patch hyper-util provided by Axum is invalid. We need to wait for the warp author to reply and fix it. Because there is no working workaround solution, the backend is temporarily removed until the upstream fix: After the fix, we should first patch warp, then test the fix results, and then undo the above commit. Then when warp is released, we should revert the patch and update the version number of warp.

Latest update: This bug of warp can be solved by upgrading hyper to 1.x, that is to say, the underlying issue is actually this issue:

warp(未修复): issue:

这个跟上面Axum的bug非常像,但用Axum提供的patch hyper-util的解决方案无效,需等待warp作者回复并修复。 因为没有可以正常工作的workaround方案,因此上游修复前,该后端被暂时移除: 修复后,我们应当先patch warp,然后测试修复结果,然后撤回上述提交。 然后当warp发版后,我们应当撤回patch,然后更新warp的版本号。

最新更新: warp的这个bug可以通过将hyper升级至1.x来解决,也就是说,实际上更底层关联的是此issue:

czy-29 commented 4 months ago

viz (fixed and released in v0.8.5): issue:

This bug is almost 100% the same as the above-mentioned axum bug, so I won’t go into details again.

viz(已修复并发布于v0.8.5): issue:


czy-29 commented 4 months ago

ntex does not have this bug. ntex不存在此bug。