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Doctor is able to request imaging from inactive imaging type #79

Open WiadroMasla opened 7 months ago

WiadroMasla commented 7 months ago

Doctor interface for imaging request does not differentiate between imaging options from active imaging type and imaging options from inactive imaging type.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Settings/Radiology/Manage Imaging Type
  2. Edit X RAY
  3. Set isActive as false
  4. Go to Doctor/In Patient Department
  5. Select patient and choose Labs option
  6. Select Imaging in New Orders
  7. Search for "Dental X ray"
  8. Click Proceed
  9. Click Sign

Expected result: "Dental X ray" does not appear on the list in step 7 OR Error message appears after adding "Dental X ray" to the order.

Actual result: Request added successfully.

RamiSJ12 commented 4 months ago

To address the issue where the doctor interface for imaging requests does not differentiate between imaging options from active and inactive imaging types, you'll need to update the system to properly handle the visibility and selection of imaging options based on their active status. Here's a step-by-step guide to resolving this issue:

  1. Update Imaging Type Management:

    • Modify the functionality in the Settings/Radiology/Manage Imaging Type section to ensure that inactive imaging types are not displayed as options for ordering.
    • When setting an imaging type as inactive (isActive = false), ensure that it is properly excluded from the list of available options for ordering.
  2. Modify Doctor Interface:

    • Update the doctor interface in the In Patient Department section to query and display only active imaging types when the doctor is placing imaging orders.
    • Implement logic to filter out inactive imaging types from the list of available options presented to the doctor.
  3. Error Handling:

    • If a doctor attempts to select an inactive imaging type, display an error message indicating that the imaging type is not available for ordering.
    • Prevent the addition of inactive imaging types to the order list and provide feedback to the user explaining why the selection cannot be made.
  4. Testing:

    • Thoroughly test the modified functionality to ensure that only active imaging types are displayed and selectable by the doctor.
    • Test various scenarios including adding imaging requests, modifying imaging types' active status, and handling error messages.
  5. Deployment:

    • Once the changes have been implemented and tested successfully, deploy the updated version of the system to the production environment.
  6. Monitoring and Maintenance:

    • Monitor the system after deployment to ensure that the issue has been fully resolved and that no new issues arise.
    • Regularly review and maintain the codebase to ensure continued proper functionality and to address any potential future issues.

By following these steps, you should be able to differentiate between imaging options from active and inactive imaging types in the doctor interface for imaging requests and prevent the selection of inactive imaging types. This will ensure that only relevant and available imaging options are presented to the doctors for ordering.