opensource-socialnetwork / SMTP

This component will override default emails notificatios and allows ossn system to send notification emails using your smtp server
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Can't see the smtp configuration fields #9

Closed StephaniePar closed 3 years ago

StephaniePar commented 3 years ago

I'm not getting the configuration options. I've tried changing it within the instances, but that just causes an error.


lianglee commented 3 years ago

How did you enabled SMTP component? just curious

StephaniePar commented 3 years ago

Downloaded the SMTP zip file, and installed it through the installer in the component section in the admin page. Yesterday I tried adding another component to see if that was the only component I couldn't see the config fields of and I couldn't see the config page of the other component either

lianglee commented 3 years ago

You need to see CASE B and let us know :

StephaniePar commented 3 years ago

I'm not getting any errors, but I'm not sure if something is supposed to show up for the php.ini sections and the user.ini section.

I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, I'm working on this for someone and I don't feel comfortable logging into their account when I'm supposed to be off the clock.

error_log1 error_log2

lianglee commented 3 years ago

What is phpinfo results?

StephaniePar commented 3 years ago

phpinfo? I see the verify perms and the ossn info, which is the phpinfo?

lianglee commented 3 years ago

Go to your website and in sidebar go to Ossn Info -> phpinfo

StephaniePar commented 3 years ago

I couldn't get the config fields for this to work either, so I installed it manually like the README told me to do

lianglee commented 3 years ago

ok no worries, create a php file and add following


and call that file in browser

StephaniePar commented 3 years ago

so I should create a phpinfo.php file in main ossn directory, right? What do you want me to add to it?

lianglee commented 3 years ago

Sorry the code seems missed by the editor. I have edited my reply above again.

StephaniePar commented 3 years ago

Is there something specific you want a screenshot of or do you want the whole file?

lianglee commented 3 years ago


StephaniePar commented 3 years ago

Okay, no prob. It's just a long file. I copied everything into a docx phpinfo.docx

lianglee commented 3 years ago

Not sure what is wrong it works fine for me :


StephaniePar commented 3 years ago

I didn't realize until after I tried the system-info component, but this is probably an issue I should have opened in the main ossn code, not just the smtp component, because the configuration section is blank for the system-info component as well. It's why I did it manually. I don't know why it's not working for me. I tried it before I changing it to https, I tried untinstalling and reinstalling the components. Restarting instances, closing and opening new instances, different browsers, different accounts, searched through the whole code in the instances and even searched through the database. Is there a way to manually install this component? Maybe I can the folders in the spot they are supposed to be then install the component to see if the config fields will show up

lianglee commented 3 years ago

Try Change your hosting provider.

StephaniePar commented 3 years ago

Changing providers isn't an option, I'm working for someone else and they want the reliability and availability and growth that AWS provides. Thanks for helping me out with it, but I don't think it's an SMTP component issue, because the system-tools component also has a blank configuration page, so it's for components I'm installing, because the out of the box components have perfectly working configuration sections. I'm not sure if I'm installing it wrong in some way. I thought you just had to download zip, put zip file in installer and enable. Regardless, because it's a larger issue, I'll just contact softlabs, so the client has a record of the issue in their account. Thanks again :)