opensourcedesign / funding

:moneybag: Resources, options, and thoughts about funding FOSS projects
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Open ei8fdb opened 7 years ago

ei8fdb commented 7 years ago

WEBSITE: FUNDS AVAILABLE: €1,2 Millionen AVAILABLE FOR: "für Open-Source-Projekte"


"Der Prototype Fund unterstützt Softwareentwicklerinnen, Hackerinnen und Kreative dabei, ihre Ideen vom Konzept bis zur ersten Demo zu entwickeln. Mit einer Förderung von bis zu 30.000€ könnt Ihr sechs Monate lang Code schreiben und Open-Source-Prototypen entwickeln. Wir fördern Projekte in den Bereichen Civic Tech, Data Literacy und Datensicherheit."

My bad German understanding is this is a fund from the German government which is open to "any open source project".

The fund essentially "wants to fund Prototypes, so ideally something that barely exists but will exist after these 6 months."

The applicant must "be a German resident during the grant period". The application needs to be submitted in German because the origin of the money is the German government.

I'd like to discuss if this is applicable to something we could work on - some practical project.


elioqoshi commented 7 years ago

I really wanted to apply for that fund but the fact a german resident is needed in the team makes it quite hard. I grew up in Germany and am fluent in German however.

I'm wondering if the Summit could qualify for this. Since they already are supporting Speakerinnen:

bnvk commented 7 years ago

On Mar 07, 17, Elio Qoshi wrote:

I really wanted to apply for that fund but the fact a german resident is needed in the team makes it quite hard.

Like @ei8fdb and I discussed in IRC, myself and @janborchardt could apply, or other DE OSD members, which we have a few...

I'm wondering if the Summit could qualify for this.

I really doubt that. Key difference between Speakrerinnen is that is an open source software platform.

elioqoshi commented 7 years ago

@Xaviju Want to get some funding for UX Box? I think that could be the perfect product!