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Implement the "My Tasks" view #83

Open isabelcshaw opened 3 years ago

isabelcshaw commented 3 years ago

The my tasks view for the supervisor will have the same UI as the current CHW view. They key difference here is obviously around the task type/content.

As an v1, our goal is just to have one type of task: a task that is automatically generated based on the CHW's open tasks. (This mock shows a few others such as targets missed or inactivity.) We will need to discuss the required changes to the tasking model, but we want to allow the supervisor to process all of their CHWs' tasks and generate tasks when a CHW fails to complete their assigned tasks within a certain window. Aka if a PNC tasks is due, but has not been completed for more than 48 hours. We can confirm the exact time windows required.

Screen Shot 2021-02-23 at 10 30 17 PM
ekigamba commented 3 years ago

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