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Translation QA tools, Determine Duplicate Elements, Export translated presets to CSV #2448

Closed ImreSamu closed 9 years ago

ImreSamu commented 10 years ago

I have created a working prototype ( ) for

I think it is very useful for me and the small hungarian community for detecting translations problems, and errors.

Is it possible to create a similar translation QA service in iD editor developer website

ideas for improving the scripts:

example output - German Duplicate Elements - without "searchable" - info

"Administrative Grenze";"boundary/administrative";"Verwaltungsgrenze"
"Administrative Grenze";"type/boundary/administrative";"Verwaltungsgrenze"
"Bahnhof";"building/train_station";"Bahnhof, Haltestelle, Haltepunkt"
"Bahnhof";"railway/station";"Bahnhof, Haltepunkt, Haltestelle"
"Bunker";"building/bunker";"Bunker, Schutzraum"
"Bunker";"military/bunker";"Schutzraum, Schutzräume"
"Campingplatz";"tourism/camp_site";"Campingplatz, Zeltplatz"
"Campingplatz";"tourism/caravan_site";"Wohnwagenpark, Campingplatz"
"Eingang/Ausgang";"building/entrance";"Eingang/Ausgang, Zugang/Abgang, Einfahrt/Ausfahrt, Eintritt/Austritt"
"Eingang/Ausgang";"entrance";"Eingang/Ausgang, Zugang/Abgang, Einfahrt/Ausfahrt, Eintritt/Austritt"
"Eisenbahn";"railway";"Eisenbahn, Bahn, Zug, Eisenbahnstrecke, Bahnstrecke"
"Fahrdamm";"man_made/embankment";"Böschung, Damm, Ufer, Uferböschung"
"Friedhof";"landuse/cemetery";"Friedhof, Friedwald"
"Gemischtwarenhandel";"shop/convenience";"Gemischtwarenladen, Kaufgeschäft"
"Gemischtwarenhandel";"shop/variety_store";"Gemischtwarenladen, Kaufgeschäft"
"Graben";"barrier/ditch";"Graben, Straßengraben"
"Hütte";"building/cabin";"Hütte, Wochenendhaus"
"Juwelier";"craft/jeweler";"Juwelier, Schmuckladen, Schmuckgeschäft, Edelsteinverkäufer"
"Juwelier";"shop/jewelry";"Juwelier, Schmuckgeschäft"
"Kehrtwendeverbot";"type/restriction/no_u_turn";"Kehrtwendeverbot, Kehrtwende verboten, Umdrehen verboten"
"Kehrtwendeverbot";"type/restriction/only_straight_on";"Kehrwendeverbot, keine Kehrtwende erlaubt, Umdrehverbot, Umdrehen verboten"
"Kirche";"amenity/place_of_worship/christian";"christlich,Abtei,Basilika,geweihter Ort,Kathedrale,Altarraum,Kantorei,Kapelle,Kirche,Kirchgemeinde,Gotteshaus,Gebetshaus,Dom,Oratorium,Heiligtum,Sacellum,Schrein,Tabernakel,Tempel"
"Optiker";"craft/optician";"Optiker, Brillengeschäft, Kontaktlinsengeschäft"
"Seilbahn";"aerialway";"Seilbahn, Gondelbahn, Sessellift, Schlepplift, Materialseilbahn"
"Seilbahn";"aerialway/cable_car";"Seilbahn, Gondelbahn, Straßenbahn, Kabelbahn, Drahtseilbahn"
"Umspannwerk";"power/sub_station";"Umspannwerk, Umspannungswerk"
"Umspannwerk";"power/substation";"Umspannwerk, Transformatorenstation, Schaltanlage"
"Wald";"landuse/forest";"Forst, bewirtschafteter Wald"
"Wald";"natural/wood";"Urwald, Naturwald"
"Zebrastreifen";"footway/crosswalk";"Zebrastreifen, Fußgängerübergang, Fußgängerstreifen"
"Zebrastreifen";"highway/crosswalk";"Zebrastreifen, Fußgängerübergang, Fußgängerstreifen"

added - some other languages examples:

jfirebaugh commented 10 years ago

This looks like a useful tool. Thanks for letting me know about it. I'm not totally clear on what action you are requesting here though. We don't maintain anything in this repository that would be able to run something periodically, like every hour. If that's what you're looking for, it's probably best as something you set up and run yourself.

ImreSamu commented 10 years ago

We don't maintain anything in this repository that would be able to run something periodically, like every hour.

As I read - The "master deployment" is updated every 10 minutes with the latest code. is it possible to include similar check - to the update process? ( from: )

I don't know the exact architecture - so this is my guess.

so generate reports to the master deployment like:

jfirebaugh commented 10 years ago

That's courtesy of @iandees, and not done via this repository. As I understand it, it's a cron script on the server that runs every 10 minutes.

pnorman commented 10 years ago

The master deployment is an automatic deploy of the master branch, and not part of iD code.

You could automatically run the script on the dev server, assuming it's not excessively resource intensive.

ImreSamu commented 9 years ago

just let you know : I am working on this topic.

For example : duplicated/same translations by languages ->