opentable / wiremock-body-transformer

Wiremock Body Transformer Extension
Apache License 2.0
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Response is null for soap #37

Closed pradeepkusingh closed 6 years ago

pradeepkusingh commented 6 years ago

I am trying to fetch the value from the request and injecting in my response. but always getting NULL.


actuser !hd2Za63a nqqNC/VJ3O1h7Xhjo118ZA== 2017-11-06T19:12:03.281Z 2017-09-13-04:00 ESP-SPARROW-PO actuser SPARROW_G1_G2 332234542112334441123 8155100092001035 BILLING_ARRANGEMENT_STATUS CONTACT_INFO BILLING_ADDRESS_CONTACT DELINQUENT_STATUS **RESPONSE** : Always get NULL for below variable definition. $**(Body.ser:getBillingArrangement.ser:getBillingArrangementRequest.ns2:billingArrangementID.ns2:string)** OUTPUT: ns2:billingArrangementID**null**
pradeepkusingh commented 6 years ago

I removed all namespaces and it worked.

tranhungt commented 6 years ago

Cool. Can we closed this ticket then @pradeepkusingh?

pradeepsingh1234 commented 6 years ago

yes, please close it.