opentripmodel / otm5-change-requests

Tracking and reporting bugs and change requests of the OTM5 specification.
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Welcome to the OTM5 change request tracker

If you have ideas for the OTM5 specification or found a bug, please report them here.

Where do I go for questions? πŸ€”

Please go to the Open Trip Model discussion forum first. We would like to keep this tracker focused on change requests and bugs.

How do I submit a change request? πŸ“ˆ

A change request can be any improvement or addition to the existing specification.

Before opening a change request, please search in the issues to make sure that a similar change has not been previously requested. If so it could be planned for a future version of OTM and you can contribute to the discussion in the existing issue. If your request is new, open an issue by pressing New issue in the upper right corner. Please use the "Feature request" template to help provide the best possible information.

How do I submit a bug? πŸ›

A bug can be any fault, inconsistency or contradiction in the specification itself or the way the spec is represented on the website. It can also be something that is unclear in the spec, but you might want to consider asking a question in the discussion forum first.

The process is similar to change requests: before opening a bug, please search in the issues to make sure that the bug has not been reported already. If the bug is new, open an issue by pressing the New issue in the upper right corner. Please use the "Bug report" template to help provide the best possible information.

When will the new feature or bugfix be available? πŸš€

OTM 5 has just been released, so we are still in the process of figuring this out. However, we expect that: