opnsense / plugins

OPNsense plugin collection
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Telegraf Fatal Error - /usr/local/bin/telegraf_pfifgw.php #4216

Open shrunbr opened 3 weeks ago

shrunbr commented 3 weeks ago

Important notices Before you add a new report, we ask you kindly to acknowledge the following:

Describe the bug Telegraf is not exporting interface gateways due to fatal error. This hasn't been working for sometime, unfortunately I don't recall on what version this last worked.

To Reproduce Enable network input on telegraf (I believe it's this one that reads gateway metrics).

Expected behavior Properly export gateway metrics which it is not doing.



Relevant log files See above

Additional context N/A

Environment OPNsense 24.7.3_1-amd64 FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p3 OpenSSL 3.0.14 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz (3200.00-MHz K8-class CPU) real memory = 8589934592 (8192 MB) avail memory = 8166350848 (7788 MB)

CrazyWolf13 commented 1 week ago

They removed that function, as it was ancient.


Just add this to the custom php file you created:

# Added function get_interface_info. Function was removed from interface.in in OPNsense version 24.1
function get_interfaces_info($include_unlinked = false)
    global $config;

    $all_intf_details = legacy_interfaces_details();
    $all_intf_stats = legacy_interface_stats();
    $gateways = new \OPNsense\Routing\Gateways();
    $ifup = legacy_interface_listget('up');
    $result = [];
    $interfaces = legacy_config_get_interfaces(['virtual' => false]);
    $known_interfaces = [];
    foreach (array_keys($interfaces) as $ifdescr) {
        $interfaces[$ifdescr]['if'] = get_real_interface($ifdescr);
        if (!empty($interfaces[$ifdescr]['if'])) {
            $known_interfaces[] = $interfaces[$ifdescr]['if'];
        $interfaces[$ifdescr]['ifv6'] = get_real_interface($ifdescr, 'inet6');
        if (!empty($interfaces[$ifdescr]['ifv6'])) {
            $known_interfaces[] = $interfaces[$ifdescr]['ifv6'];

    if ($include_unlinked) {
        $unassigned_descr = gettext("Unassigned");
        foreach ($all_intf_details as $if => $ifdata) {
            if (!in_array($if, $known_interfaces)) {
                $interfaces[$if] = ["descr" => $unassigned_descr, "if" => $if, "ifv6" => $if, 'unassigned' => true];

    foreach ($interfaces as $ifdescr => $ifinfo) {
        $ifinfo['status'] = in_array($ifinfo['if'], $ifup) ? 'up' : 'down';
        $ifinfo['statusv6'] = in_array($ifinfo['ifv6'], $ifup) ? 'up' : 'down';

        /* undesired side effect of legacy_config_get_interfaces() */
        $ifinfo['ipaddr'] = $ifinfo['ipaddrv6'] = null;

        if (!empty($all_intf_details[$ifinfo['if']])) {
            if (
                isset($all_intf_details[$ifinfo['if']]['status']) &&
                    in_array($all_intf_details[$ifinfo['if']]['status'], array('active', 'running'))
            ) {
                $all_intf_details[$ifinfo['if']]['status'] = $ifinfo['status'];
            $ifinfo = array_merge($ifinfo, $all_intf_details[$ifinfo['if']]);

        if (!empty($ifinfo['ipv4'])) {
            list ($primary4,, $bits4) = interfaces_primary_address($ifdescr, $all_intf_details);
            if (!empty($primary4)) {
                $ifinfo['ipaddr'] = $primary4;
                $ifinfo['subnet'] = $bits4;
            } else {
                $ifinfo['ipaddr'] = $ifinfo['ipv4'][0]['ipaddr'];
                $ifinfo['subnet'] = $ifinfo['ipv4'][0]['subnetbits'];

        if (!empty($all_intf_details[$ifinfo['ifv6']]['ipv6'])) {
            /* rewrite always as it can be a different interface */
            $ifinfo['ipv6'] = $all_intf_details[$ifinfo['ifv6']]['ipv6'];
        } elseif ($ifinfo['if'] != !$ifinfo['ifv6']) {
            /* clear on a mismatch to avoid wrong data here */
            $ifinfo['ipv6'] = [];

        if (!empty($ifinfo['ipv6'])) {
            list ($primary6,, $bits6) = interfaces_primary_address6($ifdescr, $all_intf_details);
            if (!empty($primary6)) {
                $ifinfo['ipaddrv6'] = $primary6;
                $ifinfo['subnetv6'] = $bits6;
            foreach ($ifinfo['ipv6'] as $ipv6addr) {
                if (!empty($ipv6addr['link-local'])) {
                    $ifinfo['linklocal'] = $ipv6addr['ipaddr'];
                } elseif (empty($ifinfo['ipaddrv6'])) {
                    $ifinfo['ipaddrv6'] = $ipv6addr['ipaddr'];
                    $ifinfo['subnetv6'] = $ipv6addr['subnetbits'];

            $aux = shell_safe('/usr/local/sbin/ifctl -6pi %s', $ifinfo['ifv6']);
            if (!empty($aux)) {
                $ifinfo['prefixv6'] = explode("\n", $aux);

        $ifinfotmp = $all_intf_stats[$ifinfo['if']];
        $ifinfo['inbytes'] = $ifinfotmp['bytes received'];
        $ifinfo['outbytes'] = $ifinfotmp['bytes transmitted'];
        $ifinfo['inpkts'] = $ifinfotmp['packets received'];
        $ifinfo['outpkts'] = $ifinfotmp['packets transmitted'];
        $ifinfo['inerrs'] = $ifinfotmp['input errors'];
        $ifinfo['outerrs'] = $ifinfotmp['output errors'];
        $ifinfo['collisions'] = $ifinfotmp['collisions'];

        $link_type = $config['interfaces'][$ifdescr]['ipaddr'] ?? 'none';
        switch ($link_type) {
            case 'dhcp':
                $ifinfo['dhcplink'] = isvalidpid("/var/run/dhclient.{$ifinfo['if']}.pid") ? 'up' : 'down';
            /* PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP interface? -> get status from virtual interface */
            case 'pppoe':
            case 'pptp':
            case 'l2tp':
                if ($ifinfo['status'] == "up") {
                    /* XXX get PPPoE link status for dial on demand */
                    $ifinfo["{$link_type}link"] = "up";
                } else {
                    $ifinfo["{$link_type}link"] = "down";
            /* PPP interface? -> get uptime for this session and cumulative uptime from the persistent log file in conf */
            case 'ppp':
                if ($ifinfo['status'] == "up") {
                    $ifinfo['ppplink'] = "up";
                } else {
                    $ifinfo['ppplink'] = "down";

                if (empty($ifinfo['status'])) {
                    $ifinfo['status'] = "down";

                if (isset($config['ppps']['ppp'])) {
                    foreach ($config['ppps']['ppp'] as $pppid => $ppp) {
                        if ($config['interfaces'][$ifdescr]['if'] == $ppp['if']) {
                if ($config['interfaces'][$ifdescr]['if'] != $ppp['if'] || empty($ppp['ports'])) {
                if (!file_exists($ppp['ports'])) {
                    $ifinfo['nodevice'] = 1;
                    $ifinfo['pppinfo'] = $ppp['ports'] . " " . gettext("device not present! Is the modem attached to the system?");

                // Calculate cumulative uptime for PPP link. Useful for connections that have per minute/hour contracts so you don't go over!
                if (isset($ppp['uptime'])) {
                    $ifinfo['ppp_uptime_accumulated'] = "(" . get_ppp_uptime($ifinfo['if']) . ")";

        if (file_exists("/var/run/{$link_type}_{$ifdescr}.pid")) {
            $sec = intval(shell_safe('/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/interfaces/ppp-uptime.sh %s', $ifinfo['if']));
            if ($sec) {
                $ifinfo['ppp_uptime'] = convert_seconds_to_hms($sec);

        switch ($config['interfaces'][$ifdescr]['ipaddrv6'] ?? 'none') {
            case 'dhcp6':
                $ifinfo['dhcp6link'] = isvalidpid('/var/run/dhcp6c.pid') && file_exists("/var/etc/dhcp6c_{$ifdescr}.conf") ? 'up' : 'down';
            /* XXX more to do here in the future */

        if ($ifinfo['status'] == "up") {
            $wifconfiginfo = array();
            if (isset($config['interfaces'][$ifdescr]['wireless'])) {
                exec("/sbin/ifconfig {$ifinfo['if']} list sta", $wifconfiginfo);
            foreach ($wifconfiginfo as $ici) {
                $elements = preg_split("/[ ]+/i", $ici);
                if ($elements[0] != "") {
                    $ifinfo['bssid'] = $elements[0];
                if ($elements[3] != "") {
                    $ifinfo['rate'] = $elements[3];
                if ($elements[4] != "") {
                    $ifinfo['rssi'] = $elements[4];
            $gateway = $gateways->getInterfaceGateway($ifdescr, 'inet');
            if (!empty($gateway)) {
                $ifinfo['gateway'] = $gateway;
            $gatewayv6 = $gateways->getInterfaceGateway($ifdescr, 'inet6');
            if (!empty($gatewayv6)) {
                $ifinfo['gatewayv6'] = $gatewayv6;

        $bridge = link_interface_to_bridge($ifdescr);
        if ($bridge) {
            $bridge_text = shell_safe('/sbin/ifconfig %s', $bridge);
            if (stristr($bridge_text, 'blocking') != false) {
                $ifinfo['bridge'] = "<b><span class='text-danger'>" . gettext("blocking") . "</span></b> - " . gettext("check for ethernet loops");
                $ifinfo['bridgeint'] = $bridge;
            } elseif (stristr($bridge_text, 'learning') != false) {
                $ifinfo['bridge'] = gettext("learning");
                $ifinfo['bridgeint'] = $bridge;
            } elseif (stristr($bridge_text, 'forwarding') != false) {
                $ifinfo['bridge'] = gettext("forwarding");
                $ifinfo['bridgeint'] = $bridge;

        $result[$ifdescr] = $ifinfo;

    return $result;