opral / inlang-sdk

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Requirements for gender and plurals #40

Closed jldec closed 1 month ago

jldec commented 5 months ago


Users are asking for inlang to support messages with variant for gender and plurals.


Introduce new types which are aligned with ICU Message Format 2 messages and a new message bundle type to collect messages translated for different locales.

W1M0R commented 4 months ago

This format for pluralization seems to be very flexible, in case this matches your goals: https://github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n/blob/b42d9bd0c568eebf5ce123ec94b9b13438f46855/i18n/bundle_test.go#L101


In this example, "simple", "detail", and "everything" are the translation keys, and "zero", "one", "two", "few", "many" and "other" are the different plural forms for the specific translation.

pichfl commented 4 months ago

How about https://github.com/unicode-org/message-format-wg/blob/main/spec/formatting.md which is the formal spec for the ICU Message and is also implemented in Format.JS https://formatjs.io/docs/core-concepts/icu-syntax/#plural-format

LorisSigrist commented 4 months ago

@pichfl Good Shout! The ICU MessageFormat 2.0 is actually what we're focussing our internal efforts on

pichfl commented 4 months ago

Much appreciated! I'm involved in a few larger projects in desperate need of this, so if there is anything else I can do to move things along, I'd be happy to help.