I'm new to this device and C++ and have a quite basic question. I was trying to compile and run the sample program Sample-PointCloud in Visual Studio.
I've added directories through Project -> Properties:
VC++ Directories
Many errors popped out when I tried debugging and built the project:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details
Error (active) E0020 identifier "kbhit" is undefined PointCloudTest C:\Users\mchang\source\repos\PointCloudTest\PointCloudTest\Source.cpp 152
Error (active) E0020 identifier "getch" is undefined PointCloudTest C:\Users\mchang\source\repos\PointCloudTest\PointCloudTest\Source.cpp 153
Warning C4251 'ob::Context::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<ContextImpl,std::default_delete<ContextImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Context' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Context.hpp 23
Warning C4251 'std::enable_shared_from_this<ob::Filter>::_Wptr': 'std::weak_ptr<_Ty>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'std::enable_shared_from_this<ob::Filter>'
] PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Filter.hpp 27
Warning C4251 'ob::Filter::impl_': 'std::shared_ptr<FilterImpl>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Filter' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Filter.hpp 103
Warning C4251 'ob::Filter::type_': 'std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Filter' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Filter.hpp 104
Warning C4251 'ob::Device::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<DeviceImpl,std::default_delete<DeviceImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Device' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Device.hpp 31
Warning C4251 'ob::DeviceInfo::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<DeviceInfoImpl,std::default_delete<DeviceInfoImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::DeviceInfo' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Device.hpp 642
Warning C4251 'ob::DeviceList::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<DeviceListImpl,std::default_delete<DeviceListImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::DeviceList' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Device.hpp 759
Warning C4251 'ob::CameraParamList::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<CameraParamListImpl,std::default_delete<CameraParamListImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::CameraParamList' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Device.hpp 869
Warning C4251 'ob::OBDepthWorkModeList::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<OBDepthWorkModeListImpl,std::default_delete<OBDepthWorkModeListImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::OBDepthWorkModeList' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Device.hpp 896
Warning C4251 'ob::DevicePresetList::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<DevicePresetListImpl,std::default_delete<DevicePresetListImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::DevicePresetList' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Device.hpp 940
Warning C4251 'ob::Error::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<ErrorImpl,std::default_delete<ErrorImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Error' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Error.hpp 16
Warning C4251 'std::enable_shared_from_this<ob::Frame>::_Wptr': 'std::weak_ptr<_Ty>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'std::enable_shared_from_this<ob::Frame>'
] PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Frame.hpp 42
Warning C4251 'ob::Frame::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<FrameImpl,std::default_delete<FrameImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Frame' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Frame.hpp 44
Warning C4251 'ob::Pipeline::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<PipelineImpl,std::default_delete<PipelineImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Pipeline' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Pipeline.hpp 30
Warning C4251 'ob::Config::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<ConfigImpl,std::default_delete<ConfigImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Config' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Pipeline.hpp 212
Warning C4251 'ob::Recorder::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<RecorderImpl,std::default_delete<RecorderImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Recorder' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\RecordPlayback.hpp 25
Warning C4251 'ob::Playback::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<PlaybackImpl,std::default_delete<PlaybackImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Playback' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\RecordPlayback.hpp 65
Warning C4251 'ob::Sensor::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<SensorImpl,std::default_delete<SensorImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::Sensor' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Sensor.hpp 33
Warning C4251 'ob::SensorList::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<SensorListImpl,std::default_delete<SensorListImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::SensorList' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Sensor.hpp 82
Warning C4251 'ob::OBFilterList::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<OBFilterListImpl,std::default_delete<OBFilterListImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::OBFilterList' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\Sensor.hpp 127
Warning C4251 'std::enable_shared_from_this<ob::StreamProfile>::_Wptr': 'std::weak_ptr<_Ty>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'std::enable_shared_from_this<ob::StreamProfile>'
] PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\StreamProfile.hpp 22
Warning C4251 'ob::StreamProfile::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<StreamProfileImpl,std::default_delete<StreamProfileImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::StreamProfile' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\StreamProfile.hpp 24
Warning C4251 'ob::StreamProfileList::impl_': 'std::unique_ptr<StreamProfileListImpl,std::default_delete<StreamProfileListImpl>>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of 'ob::StreamProfileList' PointCloudTest C:\OrbbecSDK_v1.10.12\SDK\include\libobsensor\hpp\StreamProfile.hpp 214
Error C4996 'fopen': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fopen_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details. PointCloudTest C:\Users\mchang\source\repos\PointCloudTest\PointCloudTest\Source.cpp 15
Error C4996 'fopen': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fopen_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details. PointCloudTest C:\Users\mchang\source\repos\PointCloudTest\PointCloudTest\Source.cpp 37
Error C3861 'kbhit': identifier not found PointCloudTest C:\Users\mchang\source\repos\PointCloudTest\PointCloudTest\Source.cpp 152
Error C3861 'getch': identifier not found PointCloudTest C:\Users\mchang\source\repos\PointCloudTest\PointCloudTest\Source.cpp 153
And here's the original code in the sample folder:
#include "libobsensor/ObSensor.hpp"
// #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
// #include "utils.hpp"
#include "libobsensor/hpp/Utils.hpp"
#define KEY_ESC 27
#define KEY_R 82
#define KEY_r 114
// Save point cloud data to ply
void savePointsToPly(std::shared_ptr<ob::Frame> frame, std::string fileName) {
int pointsSize = frame->dataSize() / sizeof(OBPoint);
FILE* fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "wb+");
fprintf(fp, "ply\n");
fprintf(fp, "format ascii 1.0\n");
fprintf(fp, "element vertex %d\n", pointsSize);
fprintf(fp, "property float x\n");
fprintf(fp, "property float y\n");
fprintf(fp, "property float z\n");
fprintf(fp, "end_header\n");
OBPoint* point = (OBPoint*)frame->data();
for (int i = 0; i < pointsSize; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%.3f %.3f %.3f\n", point->x, point->y, point->z);
// Save colored point cloud data to ply
void saveRGBPointsToPly(std::shared_ptr<ob::Frame> frame, std::string fileName) {
int pointsSize = frame->dataSize() / sizeof(OBColorPoint);
FILE* fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "wb+");
fprintf(fp, "ply\n");
fprintf(fp, "format ascii 1.0\n");
fprintf(fp, "element vertex %d\n", pointsSize);
fprintf(fp, "property float x\n");
fprintf(fp, "property float y\n");
fprintf(fp, "property float z\n");
fprintf(fp, "property uchar red\n");
fprintf(fp, "property uchar green\n");
fprintf(fp, "property uchar blue\n");
fprintf(fp, "end_header\n");
OBColorPoint* point = (OBColorPoint*)frame->data();
for (int i = 0; i < pointsSize; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%.3f %.3f %.3f %d %d %d\n", point->x, point->y, point->z, (int)point->r, (int)point->g, (int)point->b);
int main(int argc, char** argv) try {
// create pipeline
ob::Pipeline pipeline;
// Configure which streams to enable or disable for the Pipeline by creating a Config
std::shared_ptr<ob::Config> config = std::make_shared<ob::Config>();
// Turn on D2C alignment, which needs to be turned on when generating RGBD point clouds
std::shared_ptr<ob::VideoStreamProfile> colorProfile = nullptr;
try {
// Get all stream profiles of the color camera, including stream resolution, frame rate, and frame format
auto colorProfiles = pipeline.getStreamProfileList(OB_SENSOR_COLOR);
if (colorProfiles) {
auto profile = colorProfiles->getProfile(OB_PROFILE_DEFAULT);
colorProfile = profile->as<ob::VideoStreamProfile>();
catch (ob::Error& e) {
std::cerr << "Current device is not support color sensor!" << std::endl;
// Get all stream profiles of the depth camera, including stream resolution, frame rate, and frame format
std::shared_ptr<ob::StreamProfileList> depthProfileList;
OBAlignMode alignMode = ALIGN_DISABLE;
if (colorProfile) {
// Try find supported depth to color align hardware mode profile
depthProfileList = pipeline.getD2CDepthProfileList(colorProfile, ALIGN_D2C_HW_MODE);
if (depthProfileList->count() > 0) {
alignMode = ALIGN_D2C_HW_MODE;
else {
// Try find supported depth to color align software mode profile
depthProfileList = pipeline.getD2CDepthProfileList(colorProfile, ALIGN_D2C_SW_MODE);
if (depthProfileList->count() > 0) {
alignMode = ALIGN_D2C_SW_MODE;
try {
// Enable frame synchronization
catch (ob::Error& e) {
std::cerr << "Current device is not support frame sync!" << std::endl;
else {
depthProfileList = pipeline.getStreamProfileList(OB_SENSOR_DEPTH);
if (depthProfileList->count() > 0) {
std::shared_ptr<ob::StreamProfile> depthProfile;
try {
// Select the profile with the same frame rate as color.
if (colorProfile) {
depthProfile = depthProfileList->getVideoStreamProfile(OB_WIDTH_ANY, OB_HEIGHT_ANY, OB_FORMAT_ANY, colorProfile->fps());
catch (...) {
depthProfile = nullptr;
if (!depthProfile) {
// If no matching profile is found, select the default profile.
depthProfile = depthProfileList->getProfile(OB_PROFILE_DEFAULT);
// start pipeline with config
// Create a point cloud Filter object (the device parameters will be obtained inside the Pipeline when the point cloud filter is created, so try to
// configure the device before creating the filter)
ob::PointCloudFilter pointCloud;
// get camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters form pipeline and set to point cloud filter
auto cameraParam = pipeline.getCameraParam();
// operation prompt
std::cout << "Press R or r to create RGBD PointCloud and save to ply file! " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press D or d to create Depth PointCloud and save to ply file! " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press ESC to exit! " << std::endl;
int count = 0;
while (true) {
auto frameset = pipeline.waitForFrames(100);
if (kbhit()) {
int key = getch();
// Press the ESC key to exit
if (key == KEY_ESC) {
if (key == 'R' || key == 'r') {
count = 0;
// Limit up to 10 repetitions
while (count++ < 10) {
// Wait for a frame of data, the timeout is 100ms
auto frameset = pipeline.waitForFrames(100);
if (frameset != nullptr && frameset->depthFrame() != nullptr && frameset->colorFrame() != nullptr) {
// point position value multiply depth value scale to convert uint to millimeter (for some devices, the default depth value uint is not
// millimeter)
auto depthValueScale = frameset->depthFrame()->getValueScale();
try {
// Generate a colored point cloud and save it
std::cout << "Save RGBD PointCloud ply file..." << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<ob::Frame> frame = pointCloud.process(frameset);
saveRGBPointsToPly(frame, "RGBPoints.ply");
std::cout << "RGBPoints.ply Saved" << std::endl;
catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cout << "Get point cloud failed" << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "Get color frame or depth frame failed!" << std::endl;
else if (key == 'D' || key == 'd') {
count = 0;
// Limit up to 10 repetitions
while (count++ < 10) {
// Wait for up to 100ms for a frameset in blocking mode.
auto frameset = pipeline.waitForFrames(100);
if (frameset != nullptr && frameset->depthFrame() != nullptr) {
// point position value multiply depth value scale to convert uint to millimeter (for some devices, the default depth value uint is not
// millimeter)
auto depthValueScale = frameset->depthFrame()->getValueScale();
try {
// generate point cloud and save
std::cout << "Save Depth PointCloud to ply file..." << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<ob::Frame> frame = pointCloud.process(frameset);
savePointsToPly(frame, "DepthPoints.ply");
std::cout << "DepthPoints.ply Saved" << std::endl;
catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cout << "Get point cloud failed" << std::endl;
// stop the pipeline
return 0;
catch (ob::Error& e) {
std::cerr << "function:" << e.getName() << "\nargs:" << e.getArgs() << "\nmessage:" << e.getMessage() << "\ntype:" << e.getExceptionType() << std::endl;
Could anyone help me with this? Thank you very much!
I'm new to this device and C++ and have a quite basic question. I was trying to compile and run the sample program
in Visual Studio. I've added directories through Project -> Properties: VC++ DirectoriesLinker -> Input
Many errors popped out when I tried debugging and built the project:
And here's the original code in the sample folder:
Could anyone help me with this? Thank you very much!