I am working with Docker and if I run this launch file for the Astra Pro
roslaunch astra_camera astra_pro.launch
I get the depth and ir images. But I cannot get the rgb color image. The /camera/color/image_raw/ topic is listed when I run rostopic list, but if I subscribe them via rostopic echo /camera/color/image_raw or view them with rviz, nothing is published or appears.
I already tried setting the correct vendor and product id like described in this issue 177. Now when I run the Astra Pro launch file, I see the right ids for the uvc camera, before it was just 0. But still I don't get any rgb image.
I wrote some simple Python/OpenCV Code to test if I am able to get an image in the Docker Container and it worked, so I think, it should be possible to get an image.
Could you please provide guidance on how to resolve this issue? Thanks for any help!
Hello, I am working with Docker and if I run this launch file for the Astra Pro
I get the depth and ir images. But I cannot get the rgb color image. The /camera/color/image_raw/ topic is listed when I run rostopic list, but if I subscribe them via rostopic echo /camera/color/image_raw or view them with rviz, nothing is published or appears.
I already tried setting the correct vendor and product id like described in this issue 177. Now when I run the Astra Pro launch file, I see the right ids for the uvc camera, before it was just 0. But still I don't get any rgb image.
I wrote some simple Python/OpenCV Code to test if I am able to get an image in the Docker Container and it worked, so I think, it should be possible to get an image.
Could you please provide guidance on how to resolve this issue? Thanks for any help!