osmandapp / OsmAnd

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missing global mobile data killswitch causing roaming data charges #15389

Open twojstaryzdomu opened 1 year ago

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago


Making this bug specific to a key feature of apps that feature regular updates. Users have no ablility to suspend all updates with one toggle in an easily accessible location. The missing switch is essential to anyone frequently crossing borders, since map updates on a roaming network are likely to lead to excessive charges. A single killswitch for suppressing updates while on mobile data is necessary. The discrete switches hidden several levels in the menu are not a viable alternative. With several maps installed, the user is forced to toggle the maps individually. For border crossers, it is a chore. Disabling background data is not an option either since updates would run anyway when the map is in the foreground. The global data killswitch like in most other apps needs to be in the app itself.

Please note, this bug is not catch-all for all map update bugs or issues and should be considered a separate bug at its face value due to the financial impact on all border crossing users, normally subject to high roaming network charges for data use while abroad. A necessity for frequent travellers.

The global mobile data only switch can be also called update on wifi only - and such switches already exist individually per each map, making them difficult to use when the problem is to do it for all the maps installed.

How to reproduce?

Non-existent option

Your Environment

OsmAnd Version: 4.1.11 Android/iOS version: Android Device model: any

Maps used (online or offline):
Concerns all offline maps

tradavyvy commented 1 year ago

This looks like a repeat entry of closed issue #15365

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

This looks like a repeat entry of closed issue #15365

It's not, not a catch-all live update issue. There is real impact to this bug (financial) due to the lack of a facility. It is more than one 'nice to have' issue that some live update bugs are being closed as a repeat of.

vshcherb commented 1 year ago

To avoid such impact internet should be disabled every app nowadays could download smth in background and cause significant impact. I personally always limit speed if I'm low on internet and it helps to realize that something downloads I don't see any invisible OsmAnd place that could cause massive download

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

To avoid such impact internet should be disabled every app nowadays could download smth in background and cause significant impact.

I believe this question has already been answered: while the background killswitch will be fine for most other apps, map apps tend to be on. Users typically need data abroad for lower volume apps like email or IM so it isn't a feasible solution to throw out the baby with the bath water and disable all data altogether for the sake of a single app. A single toggle that you can flick and disable all map updates in map would be ideal here. Imagine a user realising their maps are downloading large data volume while driving abroad. Those minuscule update switches per map will have to be flipped one by one, which can be a chore for many maps. Absolutely not a thing to do while driving.

tradavyvy commented 1 year ago

I don't think you should do ANY setup while driving!

I still do not see why you should not set all maps to no automatic update and just manualy update when wifi is available (quite often nowadays) Exept maybe when you are an avid mapper and want to see all your changes immediately. And even then just set your activeapping area to automatic update.

EssBee59 commented 1 year ago

An other solution under Android is to "restrict the data usage" of the Osmand app! (long press on the icon, ==> app info ==> restrict data usage ==> set restriction for Mobile data, but not for Wi-Fi!)

Using this setup, you can avoid all dowloads from the app on mobile data. (an error message is displayed when Osmand tries a download on mobile data)

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

An other solution under Android is to "restrict the data usage" of the Osmand app! (long press on the icon, ==> app info ==> restrict data usage ==> set restriction for Mobile data, but not for Wi-Fi!)

Thank you I do recall such an option from LineageOS but I'm afraid it may not be available on stock that comes with the phone, at least on an fairly popular Android 12 phone by a large manufacturer.

sonora commented 1 year ago

It's a standard Android feature, both in 11 and 12.

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

It's a standard Android feature, both in 11 and 12.

Is it? No such toggle I'm afraid on a very popular vendor's Android 12. Only the background data usage can be toggled per app, optionally limited only to the data saving mode. No mobile data per app toggle.

sonora commented 1 year ago

Try this procedure: https://www.androidhelpcenter.com/2021/12/restrict-background-data-usage-on-android/

It will inhibit any mobile (not WiFi) data usage for any selected app. And for foreground usage, i.e. while you display OsmAnd, I am not aware OsmAnd uses any data for anything you do not explicitly trigger, so no issue there either.

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

@sonora have you read my statement above? The procedure you gave is known to me a

It will inhibit any mobile (not WiFi) data usage

Only the background data usage can be toggled per app, optionally limited only to the data saving mode. No mobile data per app toggle.

This issue is about the not being a toggle 1) in the app 2) for mobile data only, NOT background data only. Foreground mobile data needs to be covered by the toggle as well as background.

It IS an issue to users that will find OSMand downloading their updates abroad. Please try to get into their shoes: you normally run into this kind of an issue unbeknownst to you, since map updates are enabled by default. Then, user looks for a switch to disable mobile data in the app and finds none. Do you expect users to keep disabling all the small switches per each map every time they cross the boarder? It's an unreasonable expectation. Of course a user might disable ALL mobile data but what if they need email? You do not throw the baby out with the bath water.

That's the reason to have such a SINGLE toggle in an easily accessible location in the app. It's not like users are experts like developers and you need to consider such cases.

Huge bills that they will inevitably run while abroad might cause them to abandon the app. Not a good thing, is it?

sonora commented 1 year ago

Maybe I am missing the forest for the trees here... just to clarify: When you say

map updates are enabled by default.

That confuses me: All maps are only updated when you explicitly (manually) trigger an update. And in case you are talking about OsmAnd Live: That already has an overall master switch, located at the top of its download screen?

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

That already has an overall master switch, located at the top of its download

That may well stay enabled. The bug spells mobile data killswitch, not an overall data killswitch. I hope the difference is clear. When on wifi abroad, updates are fine. It's for the sake of tollable data connections over the mobile network.

OsmAnd already has a facility to make maps update on wifi only but it has to be configured individually for each map. It makes little sense when you have several maps installed and need to toggle all on wifi only when crossing the border to avoid foreign data changes due to a roaming network.

Hence the need for a global mobile data killswitch/data only toggle. Whether its wise to bury the toggle deep in the menu, I doubt it.

tradavyvy commented 1 year ago

In my humble opinion this 'problem' has enough possible solutions and or workarounds, and I think the programmers might spend their time more usefull on other (pressing) problems. I motion to close this subject.

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

possible solutions and or workarounds

Please name one that: 1) keeps updates going on wifi 2) disables all map updates over mobile data only with a single switch, rather than per each map individually 3) isn't buried several levels in the menu so that it may be easily toggled back & forth 4) works when the app is both in the background & the foreground

In my view the solution requies one switch that toggles all update on wifi settings for each map. Those are already in place. Now we need a global one toggle for wifi only updates.

I motion to consider this a likely issue incurring charges, which may be easily resolved for the convenience.

tradavyvy commented 1 year ago

Just set all the mentioned sugestions to not update anny maps automaticly. And activate updates manualy whenever you have wifi and you feel you need updated maps. -Wifi is available verry often. -Maps do not change verry significant from minute to minute (or even day to day). -'Update all maps' is not burried verry deep in the mennu structure. -It is realy not that complicated or hard to do.

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

Useless manual process and error prone.

Trust me, map updates can be fairly frequent and users will want as little hassle as possible. Toggling map updates on and off requies a conscious effort every time you're within a wifi zone abroad. Then not forgetting to turn then off when leaving wifi area. That is not what this bug is about.

This bug is about the lack of a set & forget global mobile data killswitch or wifi only toggle that simultaneously turns all map updates on and off on. The switch ensures: 1) when wifi only is off, user case home network mode: map updates work in home country over mobile data (and wifi) 2) when wifi only is on, user case network abroad: no map updates over mobile data, updates work over wifi.

It is up to the user to set it as needed when in country of origin or abroad.

The single update over wifi only toggle acts as an override to the individual wifi only switch, found in the settings for each map that is already present in OsmAnd.

Nothing less nothing more. Why it's only availble per map individually and not globally is beyond my understanding.

pebogufi commented 1 year ago

... is beyond my understanding

So - the main problem of this topic is your understanding ?

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

the main problem of this topic is your understanding ?

Please restate the question, it doesn't make sense in English.

tradavyvy commented 1 year ago

Somebody, PLEASE close this issue. Thanks

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

And why would that be? Is this a deliberate attempt to be provocative? It pays not to be dismissive when a half baked workaround that was offered isn't a solution.

I believe the bug affects anyone who travels abroad and wants to have updates over wifi and locally in their home country over mobile as well. There are costs involved so it counts as a bug.

pebogufi commented 1 year ago

... it doesn't make sense ...

So it matches to some comments of the initial writer

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

So it matches to some comments of the initial writer

Would you mind speaking more clearly in English and quoting the context as a matter of intellectual integrity? Thank you.

pebogufi commented 1 year ago

In this forum "not native speaker" and "not native thinker" meet each other :-) I am one of them. (Of course the first sentence is not grammatical "correct", I try a wordplay, may be you understand it anyway).

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

In this forum "not native speaker" and "not native thinker" meet each other

Please refrain from making comments that have no value and are solely meant to offend. This isn't the place to give vent to low ad personam comments, indulge in childish wordplays. It is a bug discussion. Thank you.

pebogufi commented 1 year ago

I try to understand your context, but looks like I fail.

pebogufi commented 1 year ago

No, it is not a discussion about any bug, but a discussion of your displeasure.

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

I try to understand your context, but looks like I fail.

Please read the thread carefully, without disregarding the context. Thank you.

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

No, it is not a discussion about any bug

I doubt a person making offensive provocative comments or wordplay to derail a meritocratic discussion can be trusted with their judgement.

pebogufi commented 1 year ago

... a person ... can be trusted with their judgement.

After rereading your comments I confirm that.

twojstaryzdomu commented 1 year ago

Thanks. If you can make meritocratic comments, by all means do so, if not please stop.