We need to add the "Forgot Password" functionality to the application. This feature should allow users to reset their password in case they forget it. Below are the key requirements and tasks for this implementation:
Acceptance criteria:
UI Component:
Clicking the "Forgot Password" link should open a form where users enter their email to receive a reset link.
We need to add the "Forgot Password" functionality to the application. This feature should allow users to reset their password in case they forget it. Below are the key requirements and tasks for this implementation:
Acceptance criteria:
Figma Design: https://www.figma.com/design/d2Sezz6VNO6hbnobggGTRq/Forgot-Password-Page?node-id=0-1&t=53YxTrSKyXJP3ALG-1
Backend Logic:
Email System:
Reset Password Page:
Figma Design: https://www.figma.com/design/ulbE7ij6TJuekULrBsHgzq/Reset-password?node-id=0-1&t=wZTmUAzwQma4iiF7-1
Password Reset Logic: