Views that selectively show information based on the local time are lagging behind the timezone that is being used for functionality behind the scenes, resulting in these two errors:
Scholarship applications are not visibly marked as late immediately, despite having their access removed.
During the evening, the calendar to select a scholarship deadline starts on a date that will be considered "the past".
I noticed these three system test failures occurring in ApplicantViewsSavedApplicationTest starting at 5:00 pm pdt:
test applicant does not see a link to submit a late, unsubmitted application, line 60: expected not to find visible link "Submit", found 1 match: "Submit"
test applicant does not see a link to edit a late, unsubmitted application, line 53: expected not to find visible link "Edit", found 1 match: "Edit"
test applicant sees 'Late' badge when application is late and no other badges, line 76: expected not to find text "In Progress"
Views that selectively show information based on the local time are lagging behind the timezone that is being used for functionality behind the scenes, resulting in these two errors: