Open halorgium opened 11 years ago
Another clarification would be as to whether the last bytes should be NULL
) or 0
I may be misusing the term "nonce"; it's merely a computed value that when combined with the input produces a hash with the desired characteristics.
Another clarification would be as to whether the last bytes should be NULL (\0) or 0 (\60)
To be precise, the proof of work that the servers are computing is a hex-encoded string representation of a SHA256 hash with x of the last hexadecimal digits being 0. Because x is currently 2, it just so happens that this means the last byte of the 32 bytes produced by SHA256 will be 0. Before I had x set to 3, which meant you couldn't take that shortcut (at least not without doing some bitmasking).
That said, the protocol sent over the wire is always ASCII.
Generally a nonce is a value which is only used one. I noticed the ruby eventmachine version used the same starting value for each new client.
Is this desired?