ottopaulsen / node-red-contrib-power-saver

A Node-RED node to saver money by turning off when the power is most expensive
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Question: 15 minutes Market Time Unit #177

Open Vantive1 opened 8 months ago

Vantive1 commented 8 months ago

In the not too distant future we will see 15 minutes Market Time Unit instead of 60 minutes in the electricity market. That means price arrays with four times as many prices, one price per 15 minutes instead of 60. Please follow this link for details:

Is PowerSaver compatible with this future price pattern? Will any behavior of the strategy nodes change?

ottopaulsen commented 8 months ago

Thank you for the reminder. Power-saver will currently not support 15-minute schedules, but I plan to implement when this is necessary. As far as I can see it is not yet clear when we will start paying for actual consumption per 15-minutes interval. If the 15-minutes consumption is calculated based on profiles in stead of actual consumption, Power Saver will have to calculate per hour anyway.

Any information related to this is appreciated.

ottopaulsen commented 8 months ago

Here is the response I got from Tibber when asking:

Hei Otto, ​

Tusen takk for tålmodigheten og beklager ventetiden. Det er stor pågang og vi jobber så raskt vi kan

Skjønner at du lurer på hvordan strømprising per 15 minutter vil fungere i praksis.

Per i dag har ikke vi som strømselskap mer informasjon enn det som NVE har gitt ut i sine rapporter:

Om NVE bestemmer seg for 15 minutter strømprising, så vil det påvirke både Elhub, nettselskapene og strømselskapene. Vi blir da nødt til å se på nødvendige tiltak og endringer når det er bestemt for hvordan det blir.

Ønsker deg en fin dag 😊

Vennlig hilsen,

Veronica ​Kundekonsulent

That publication referenced does not say anything about this. So I'll wait...