oudalab / StructuredEventExtraction

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Structure Aware Event Extraction

Using Structured information to enhance the event extraction performance This is a Pytorch implementation of BiLSTM-CRF for Named Entity Recognition, which is described in Bidirectional LSTM-CRF Models for Sequence Tagging


generate the tag vocab and word vocab by running this command:

python3 vocab.py "/home/ubuntu/ynliang/bilstm_crf_pytorch/data/train.txt" "/home/ubuntu/ynliang/bilstm_crf_pytorch/vocab/sent_vocab.json" "/home/ubuntu/ynliang/bilstm_crf_pytorch/vocab/tag_vocab.json"


For training the model, you can use the following command:

sh run.sh train

For those who are not able to use GPU, use the following command to train:

sh run.sh train-without-cuda

For testing, you can use the following command:

sh run.sh test

For getting the inference result only, you can use the following command: python3 bert_crf.py --mode infid Also, if you have no GPU, you can use the following command(this procedure won't take long time when using CPU):

sh run.sh test-without-cuda

There is already a trained model in the model folder, so you can execute the testing command directly without training.

If you want to change some hyper-parameters, use the following command to refer to the options.

python run.py --help

Generate the vocab related information

ppython3 vocab.py "/home/ubuntu/ynliang/bilstm_crf_pytorch/StructuredEventExtraction/data/train_mavendata.txt" "/home/ubuntu/ynliang/bilstm_crf_pytorch/StructuredEventExtraction/vocab/sent_vocab.json" "/home/ubuntu/ynliang/bilstm_crf_pytorch/StructuredEventExtraction/vocab/tag_vocab.json"


We use conlleval.pl to evaluate the model's performance on test data, and the experiment result on testing data of the trained model is as follows:

processed 172601 tokens with 6192 phrases; found: 5660 phrases; correct: 4820.
accuracy:  97.70%; precision:  85.16%; recall:  77.84%; FB1:  81.34
              LOC: precision:  90.45%; recall:  82.31%; FB1:  86.19  2618
              ORG: precision:  78.18%; recall:  75.66%; FB1:  76.90  1288
              PER: precision:  82.38%; recall:  72.83%; FB1:  77.31  1754


  1. Bidirectional LSTM-CRF Models for Sequence Tagging
  2. cs224n Assignment 4
  3. https://github.com/Dhanachandra/bert_crf