outreachy / website

Code for the Outreachy website, based on Python, Django, and Bootstrap.
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Document Outreachy sponsor commitments #196

Open sagesharp opened 6 years ago

sagesharp commented 6 years ago

Outreachy's fiscal sponsor, SFC, needs documentation for their auditors that an invoice was requested by a specific sponsor. In the past, we've had to manually go back and forth with coordinators to get invoicing information. That leaves an email chain that we end up forwarding to SFC in order to request an invoice.

Now, as part of the round sign-up, coordinators indicate where they will be getting their sponsorship by entering information in the Outreachy site. In some cases, that leaves us without a good audit trail, because there wasn't an email thread. That means we'll need to log some information to create the invoice audit trail for SFC.

Create a new email to be sent to Outreachy organizers (or modify the participation email we already get) to include:

Additionally, we'll need an email with the same information if the coordinator changes the funding sources or sponsorship amount.

@brettcs - could you comment on what other information the auditors might need?

brettcs commented 6 years ago

Definitely we can do something like this, and this list is a great starting point. One key point is that I think the commitment needs to come from the fiscal sponsor, rather than the coordinator, since that's who's getting the bill. Do fiscal sponsors have accounts on the site? Or are there plans for that?

sagesharp commented 6 years ago

Related to #107

sagesharp commented 6 years ago

@brettcs To answer your question, it's not in our current plan for the next round to add a login for the site for fiscal sponsors. It's something we could add in the future, but we don't have enough time to develop this before we need to start pinging communities to participate in August.

We should probably add a billing contact to the community sign up, and ping the coordinator with the billing contact on Cc to confirm sponsorship. That way we have an email trail with the fiscal sponsor for new communities.

Should we only do this for new communities? Communities who have participated in the past (e.g. Debian/SPI) probably don't need the email trail in my mind, but I don't know your requirements.