Scenario: An attempt to import from a non-existent export should fail # /var/www/owncloud/testrunner/apps/data_exporter/tests/acceptance/features/cliDataExporter/import.feature:78
When a user is imported from path "simpleExport/unknown" using the occ command # DataExporterContext::importUserUsingTheOccCommand()
Then the command should have failed with exit code 1 # OccContext::theCommandFailedWithExitCode()
The command was expected to fail with exit code 1 but got
Failed asserting that null matches expected 1.
And the command output should contain the text "user.json not found"
Scenario Outline: Share files after import # /var/www/owncloud/testrunner/apps/data_exporter/tests/acceptance/features/cliDataExporter/import.feature:39
Given a user has been imported from path "trashbinExport/usertrash" using the occ command # DataExporterContext::importUserUsingTheOccCommand()
And the administrator has changed the password of user "usertrash" to "123456" # FeatureContext::adminHasChangedPasswordOfUserTo()
And a user has been imported from path "simpleExport/userfoo" using the occ command # DataExporterContext::importUserUsingTheOccCommand()
And the administrator has changed the password of user "userfoo" to "123456" # FeatureContext::adminHasChangedPasswordOfUserTo()
And using OCS API version "<ocs_api_version>" # FeatureContext::usingOcsApiVersion()
When user "userfoo" shares file "AFolder/afile.txt" with user "usertrash" with permissions "read" using the sharing API # FeatureContext::userSharesFileWithUserUsingTheSharingApi()
Then the OCS status code should be "<ocs_status_code>" # OCSContext::theOCSStatusCodeShouldBe()
And the HTTP status code should be "200" # FeatureContext::thenTheHTTPStatusCodeShouldBe()
And as "usertrash" file "/afile.txt" should exist # FeatureContext::asFileOrFolderShouldExist()
And the content of file "afile.txt" for user "usertrash" should be "This is a File" # FeatureContext::contentOfFileForUserShouldBe()
| ocs_api_version | ocs_status_code |
| 1 | 100 |
| 2 | 200 |
Failed step: Then the OCS status code should be "200"
OCS status code is not any of the expected values 200 got 403
Failed asserting that an array contains '403'.
Scenario: An attempt to export an unknown user should fail # /var/www/owncloud/testrunner/apps/data_exporter/tests/acceptance/features/cliDataExporter/export.feature:67
When user "unknown" is exported to path "/tmp/fooSomething" using the occ command # DataExporterContext::exportUserUsingTheOccCommand()
Then the command should have failed with exit code 1 # OccContext::theCommandFailedWithExitCode()
The command was expected to fail with exit code 1 but got
Failed asserting that null matches expected 1.
And the command output should contain the text "Could not extract user metadata for user"
Failed acceptance tests in different pipelines. This PR has done some changes in occ related function in the core. Build: