owntracks / recorder

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open cage geocoding stop working #453

Closed centralhardware closed 4 months ago

centralhardware commented 4 months ago
   "error_message" : "The provided API key is invalid. ",
   "results" : [],
   "status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
centralhardware commented 4 months ago

I'm generate new api key, but it don't help

jpmens commented 4 months ago

Did you actually read the error message? How did you configure it?

centralhardware commented 4 months ago

geocoding stop working around UTC 14:00 today without any configuration change

    image: owntracks/recorder
      - 8083:8083
      - OTR_PORT=0 # disables MQTT
      - OTR_LUASCRIPT=/send-to-bot.lua
      - OTR_GEOKEY="opencage:<api key>"
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /home/alex/owntrack-recorder/send-to-bot.lua:/send-to-bot.lua
      - /home/alex/owntrack-recorder/config:/config
      - /home/alex/owntrack-recorder/store:/store
    restart: unless-stopped
jpmens commented 4 months ago

"The provided API key is invalid. "

is not something we can fix. Contact opencagedata for help.

jpmens commented 4 months ago

Which version of Recorder are you using? (run ocat -v in your container please) What else changed at or before 14:00 UTC to cause the failure?

centralhardware commented 4 months ago

no idea what changed, api key work from curl and don't work from own track recorder, Geocoding start working after i create new open cage account