oxfordinternetinstitute / gephi-plugins

Switch to the sigmaexporter-plugin branch (https://github.com/oxfordinternetinstitute/gephi-plugins/tree/sigmaexporter-plugin/modules/sigmaExporter) or jsonexporter-plugin branch (https://github.com/oxfordinternetinstitute/gephi-plugins/tree/jsonexporter-plugin/modules/JsonExporter) for the relevant code.
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Grouping does not work (?) #74

Open Karreg opened 6 years ago

Karreg commented 6 years ago


I've tried using Gephi and this plugin to display linked concepts for learning purpose. And it's working great, except for the grouping. I can't manage to make it work, but I'm not sure I'm using it right since it's not documented.

So I've done a small dataset to reproduce the issue, basically 10 nodes with label and cat columns. In the export tool I set the cat column as grouping data, and in the exported file, there's only 1 group called group1, instead of the 4 groups defined in the dataset.

I have attached the dataset (.gephi as a .txt file), the screenshot of the export configuration and the result.

Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is this a bug? In the latter case, if there's a workaround by changing something in the exported files it would be fine too.

Many thanks!

capture1 capture2


computermacgyver commented 6 years ago

Hi Karreg, Apologies for the trouble. Could you please share your data.json and config.json files from the export, and I will look into this.

computermacgyver commented 6 years ago

I've dug a little further and see that the code expects groups to have different node colours. If you set the node colour in Gephi to a different colour for each group the code should work as is. If you prefer them to all be the same colour, I can update the code when I am at my computer (currently on my mobile)

Karreg commented 6 years ago

Don't apologize it's fine :) You already answered another time, but here are the files anyway. I have compared with some samples found on internet and could not see a difference to help to workaround the issue.

config.txt data.txt

I tried the color for each category, and indeed it works! Until now I was just using the data lab, nothing else. Thanks for the help! It's up to you to see if the issue should be closed. Maybe an evolution to determine automatically the color based on category without setting it up would be great, but maybe not?

computermacgyver commented 6 years ago

Great. I'm glad it's working with that tweak. I'll leave this issue open to remind me to update this in a future release.