oxullo / Arduino-MAX30100

Arduino library for MAX30100, integrated oximeter and heart rate sensor
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sensor integration, the MAX sensor value is not updated. #49

Closed proyectoTEOS closed 5 years ago

proyectoTEOS commented 6 years ago

Hello, a final problem.

I have several sensors connected to my Node MCU, including the MAX30100 and a DS18B20. The problem is that they work at different speeds, this generates a conflict with the MAX30100 sensor since it does not detect the changes. I put here a short version of the code, but it still does not update the value of the pulse / oximeter sensor.


include "MAX30100_PulseOximeter.h"





const int sensorPinT = D6;

PulseOximeter pox;

OneWire wireT(sensorPinT); DallasTemperature dallasT(&wireT);

uint32_t tsLastReport = 0; uint32_t tsLastReport2 = 0;

void setup() { dallasT.begin(); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.print("Initializing pulse oximeter.."); if (!pox.begin()) { Serial.println("FAILED"); for (;;); } else { Serial.println("SUCCESS"); } }

void loop() { pox.update(); dallasT.requestTemperatures();

if (millis() - tsLastReport > REPORTING_PERIOD_MS) { Serial.print("Heart rate:"); Serial.print(pox.getHeartRate()); Serial.print("bpm / SpO2:"); Serial.print(pox.getSpO2()); Serial.println("%"); tsLastReport = millis(); }

if (millis() - tsLastReport2 > REPORTING_PERIOD_MS2) { Serial.print("Temperatura actual: "); Serial.print(dallasT.getTempCByIndex(0)); Serial.print(" GC"); Serial.print(" || "); Serial.print(dallasT.getTempFByIndex(0)); Serial.println(" GF"); tsLastReport2 = millis(); } }

oxullo commented 6 years ago

The library requires very strict timing updates for its goal of 100Hz sampling rate. Delays or jitter would surely cause averaging and filtering issues that will reflect on the outcome. Use the grapher app to visually inspect the quality of the signal, this will give you a rough idea of the nature of the jitter. Profile your code and make sure that pox.update() is run less than every 10ms. You can adjust the sampling frequency but this requires also to recalculate the FIR coefficients for the filters.

oxullo commented 5 years ago

Closing due to inactivity

Banadesh708 commented 3 years ago

Please explain how to run the pox.update less than every 10ms??

boyiddha commented 2 years ago

after struggling few days, I read this blog:
https://forum.arduino.cc/t/arduino-code-max30100-and-ds18b20-doesnt-work/899066 and I also read many blogs then I got something like this: I used sensors.setWaitForConversion(false); //as a result, requestTemperatures() will not block current thread before this command sensors.requestTemperatures(); and after above command : sensors.setWaitForConversion(True); // sync for next conversion . . In my code, above three lines look like this:

sensors.setWaitForConversion(false); sensors.requestTemperatures(); sensors.setWaitForConversion(True); . . and it works!

pavanambat commented 1 year ago

after struggling few days, I read this blog: https://forum.arduino.cc/t/arduino-code-max30100-and-ds18b20-doesnt-work/899066 and I also read many blogs then I got something like this: I used sensors.setWaitForConversion(false); //as a result, requestTemperatures() will not block current thread before this command sensors.requestTemperatures(); and after above command : sensors.setWaitForConversion(True); // sync for next conversion . . In my code, above three lines look like this:

sensors.setWaitForConversion(false); sensors.requestTemperatures(); sensors.setWaitForConversion(True); . . and it works!

Bro can u send full code

Dimzz44 commented 1 year ago

after struggling few days, I read this blog: https://forum.arduino.cc/t/arduino-code-max30100-and-ds18b20-doesnt-work/899066 and I also read many blogs then I got something like this: I used sensors.setWaitForConversion(false); //as a result, requestTemperatures() will not block current thread before this command sensors.requestTemperatures(); and after above command : sensors.setWaitForConversion(True); // sync for next conversion . . In my code, above three lines look like this: sensors.setWaitForConversion(false); sensors.requestTemperatures(); sensors.setWaitForConversion(True); . . and it works!

Bro can u send full code

have u done it? i have a same problem rn

boyiddha commented 1 year ago

@pavanambat @Dimzz44 My project Github link: github.com/IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System . Also, check the below requirement- • Poor quality USB cable; • The USB cable is too long; • Board with some defect (bad solder joints); • Bad computer USB port; • Or not enough power provided by the computer USB port. Fix: Try with a different shorter USB cable (with data wires), try a different computer USB port, or use a USB hub with an external power supply.