ozra / onyx-lang

The Onyx Programming Language
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Syntax Structure #6

Open ozra opened 8 years ago

ozra commented 8 years ago

[RFC] Syntax Structure

"offside syntax": significant indent and optional end tokens

Yes ,you do know how to write proper sentences ,right ? It' s
  quiteannoying  to read Improperly Formatted sentences
   .Even when
 the content is good . Here 's a run_down with about forty_seven
     1 . You convey a message , getting the  words right is hard enough
 1 .1 : Our reasoning minds ( especially programmers) are spatially orientated
   1-2-  Not structuring information so that it conveys intent ,spatially, is a bad mistake.
   2.  Using non_spatial constructs to convey it : {2.1 doesn't help that much does it ?;2.2 At least I don 't think so;}3. My eyes are already bleeding from this exercise— maybe someone more clear_headed likes this ?;}

Structure, indentation and white space is important. If above didn't convince you... Yes, yes, no-one worth their salt writes with such bad style -- granted -- though it did get the point across. I hope!

Onyx is structured via indentation and has optional end tokens to make block ends explicit when wanted. There's experimental pattern matching support for the end-tokens also, making it possible to match up intended block starts even more explicitly. This will likely be dropped from the syntax though.


Here's an example showing off one of the many ways below code can be written and formatted (specially cond/case syntax currently has a shitload of variations to choose from - waiting to be reduced!), including the experimental pattern matching end token extension.

type Foo
    mood = #happy
    bar = "Hey"

    speak(word, mood) ->
        @mood = mood
        speak word

    speak(@word) ->

    speak() ->
        cond @mood
                say "{@bar} - Yeay!"
                say "{@bar}. Sob."
                say "{@bar}."
end-type  -- could have done `end-type~Foo`, `end` or nothing.

-- don't do the below at home kids!
my-foo = Foo()
my_foo.speak "Hello", mood: #workaholistic
myFoo.speak "Hi again"

Prior Art

For offside / indentation significance: ISWIM, Python, Haskell, Nim, Cytoc-Cython ;-), LiveScript, CoffeeScript, SugarCpp, F#, etc.

The voluntary end tokens look more like Ruby, Lua, Pascal, etc., and - dare I say it - Visual Basic, for the extended semantic matching.

Preference and Motivation

I've coded in C, then C++, for a loooong time (well, aside from hoards of other languages and a lot of assembler of course). But already in '99 I had enough with the braces-semicolon syntax. I coded a simple heuristic transpiler called Cython (no relation what so ever to the project with the same name that came 9 years later), obviously inspired by Python lexicography.

I find the indent based structuring superior, after having used both, side by side, for about 15 years. "If it looks right - it is right". Not to mention that studies on the programmer's mind seem to hint at it being a better choice. Lacking only one thing in most languages that leverage it; one very important thing; the possibility of ending blocks explicitly (and doing it for long/complex blocks).

When scopes grow over more than a few lines, or nesting depth grows, those dangling ends become very... loose.

The perfect solution is of course: both!

The recommendation, as I see it, is to absolutely not use end-tokens in constructs that are just a few lines, with no complex nesting - it's just visual clutter. Beyond that it's much clearer to use explicit end-tokens, and you can catch and contain scoping and localize syntax errors much better.

Some References

stugol commented 8 years ago

What does a leading # signify? For example in #happy? Is it a symbol?

Suggest case instead of cond.

I approve of hyphen-case and indent-based structuring.

ozra commented 8 years ago

@stugol - Yes, that's it! It is referred to as Tag in Onyx-lingua, however it's the exact same thing. (see #9)

Regarding case|cond|etc. see #13.