padpadpadpad / rTPC

R package to help fit Thermal Performance Curves
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vignettes not installing #48

Closed mikegilchrist closed 1 year ago

mikegilchrist commented 1 year ago

I expected the vignettes mentioned in the documentation to be installed when installing the package from github, but they don't appear to be. Am I missing something, such as a flag in the installation command?

padpadpadpad commented 1 year ago

Lots of the vignettes are computationally intensive. If you want to compile them you need build_vignettes = TRUE in the install_github() command. It took 8 minutes to install them on my machine (2016 Macbook Pro).

Personally I use online vignettes much more than the ones compiled within R, so I do not tend to build them and use them in my workflow.

mikegilchrist commented 1 year ago

Okay. Thanks for enlightening me on how to build them.