On environments where the redis server runs on a different machine/ip than localhost (e.g. Docker), palava-machine fails to start. It is unable to connect to the Redis server.
This PR adds the option to define the correct connection data via the environment varibale PALAVA_REDIS.
Issue by wendelb Saturday Aug 09, 2014 at 13:58 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/palavatv/palava-machine/pull/6
On environments where the redis server runs on a different machine/ip than localhost (e.g. Docker), palava-machine fails to start. It is unable to connect to the Redis server.
This PR adds the option to define the correct connection data via the environment varibale
.The new option is documented in
.wendelb included the following code: https://github.com/palavatv/palava-machine/pull/6/commits