Description: Create a sign up page for the website. Get the basic framework down first, don't worry about styling yet. Styling can be done in the last milestone.
This sign up page should include the following elements:
Place to input the user's first and last name
Place to input the user's email
Place to input the username
Place to input the user's phone number
Place to input the password
Sign up button
Pop up with the terms and conditions
Set up an SMTP server for non team supabase users
Acceptance Criteria:
[x] Validation upon hitting sign up
[ ] Terms and conditions pop up appears upon sign up button click and successful validation
[ ] If the terms and conditions are not accepted return to the sign up screen, else go to the splash screen
Description: Create a sign up page for the website. Get the basic framework down first, don't worry about styling yet. Styling can be done in the last milestone.
This sign up page should include the following elements:
Acceptance Criteria:
Estimated time (hrs): 5
Time spent: 0
Notes: Check if the component already exists in a library shadcn/ui or react-native-reusables. MUI is also an industry used library