Create a sign-up page that integrates a Terms & Conditions acceptance workflow. The user must explicitly agree to the Terms & Conditions before completing the registration process. Ensure the acceptance is easy to understand and visually prominent. Implement proper form validation and an intuitive user experience.
Display the Terms & Conditions with a link to the full text, accessible from the sign-up page.
Require users to check a box indicating agreement with the Terms & Conditions before allowing them to proceed with sign-up.
Ensure that the checkbox is unselected by default.
Implement form validation to ensure all mandatory fields are completed correctly before proceeding.
Estimated Time Approximate: 5 hrs
Time Taken: 0
Status: Incomplete
Feature Terms & Conditions
Description Create a sign-up page that integrates a Terms & Conditions acceptance workflow. The user must explicitly agree to the Terms & Conditions before completing the registration process. Ensure the acceptance is easy to understand and visually prominent. Implement proper form validation and an intuitive user experience.
Estimated Time Approximate: 5 hrs Time Taken: 0 Status: Incomplete