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Scaffolding upgrade #349

Open Klaranth opened 1 year ago

Klaranth commented 1 year ago

SoloSniper I think dying scaffolding could be very useful..

Klaranth You mean it kills you when you use it?

SwissalpS commented 1 year ago

No, they want scaffolding to have a colour overlay so the same node can be used for marking out sections.

Currently we use ice and snow to do this, but avatar can't climb through those.

Alternative is to use geo caches, but they are opaque too.

Edit: I have also used mesecon wires and papyrus at times.

Klaranth commented 1 year ago

SoloSniper yes, sorry, 'dyeing' :p the idea would be ease of building large projects that have multiple parts, and being able to distinguish them from eachother easier

FeXoR (Some nodes can be "painted" with replaced if the colour is stored in param2 AFAIK)

SoloSniper Replacer you mean?

FeXoR Yea, right ;)

SoloSniper And how would i do that ^.-

MCLV I suspect you are going down the complete wrong rabbit hole with that one FeXoR

FeXoR Set the replacer to the node of type and colour as you want to replace things with, turn of that param2 setting, replace the stuff you want to have of that material and colour. Hm, probably. What is the goal? :D

MCLV The goal is to have colored scaffolding in world, I think

FeXoR IMO that won't add much value and eat up preacious node space :/

SoloSniper How do i 'turn off that param2 setting'? somewhat of a rookie to the technicals here

MCLV What's a node limit and how do we break it?


  1. And why do you want to break stuff? x)

MCLV To break through :D

FeXoR Aux1 + Left (The dropdown at the bottom) (It's labeled "rotation" though. Maybe that actually won't work for colours after all?)

OgelGames We could have 255 colors of scaffolding with just one new node

SoloSniper It works for some things

FeXoR MCLV: If you mean inceasing the limit: I guess you can join the Mintest Engine team ;)

SoloSniper not scaffolding though :/

OgelGames because scaffolding doesnt have a colorable paramtype2

SoloSniper I see. Thanks!

OgelGames By the way, if you're wondering, we're at about 23k nodes currently, so we've used up over 2/3 of the nodes already

SoloSniper Wait, sorry, what is this 'node count'?

FeXoR The number of node type a server has (and the maximum it can have)

OgelGames Kinda crazy when you think about it, that we have that many unique nodes (plus another thousand or so items)

FeXoR Yea, I only say: Bridger x)

SoloSniper Yeah, that's an insane amount

FeXoR And of course the circular saw and the CNC

OgelGames thats also where scaffolding is from :P

FeXoR Baked clay has colours and shapes. That alone is probably eating up about 1k node space.

Klaranth SoloSniper : Would the normal amount of colours for the scaffolding suffice, and NOT the whole gamut of all 256 colours? If you want to use it as a way of setting up an example of a build, before using replacer to replace different coloured scaffodling with different nodes, is 15 colours sufficient? Or perhaps too much ?

FeXoR Klaranth: See #offtopic: Most nodes come from shapes (moreblocks Circular Saw and Technic CNC) and colours - or both like Baked Clay. That is basically a single node in all shapes and colours being enough to get into the top 10 most node type mods x)

Then again 15 colours isn't that much compared to 48 shapes, hm.

Jeremy @Klaranth Yes ofc, even as much as 3 colors would work in my case

Klaranth So, just red, blue, yellow for the colours, plus white and black for good measure ? Gives a good 6 variations

SoloSniper Hehe, yes that sounds splendid to me :)

FeXoR (If we go for it I would go for the usual pallette)

Klaranth commented 1 year ago

SoloSniper Idea for scaffolding coloring: the crafting should use 8 scaffolding and 1 dye to craft a batch.. sorta like baked clay works, it would make it less annoying

SwissalpS commented 1 year ago

as OgelGames mentioned, only one additional node is needed to add up to 255 more colours. One more node def no matter if 3, 7 or 255 colours.

birdlover32767 commented 6 months ago

you can't actually have 255 extra colors with scaffolding since it uses "facedir" which limits it to 89 colors plus, there are 8 different types of scaffolding so you have to add the color stuff 8 times (which is not hard i realize now)

anyway unified_dyes has a nice api for coloring nodes (see so this will be easier thanks to it

SwissalpS commented 6 months ago

89 colours are already plenty.

What are the 8 different scaffoldings? I only know and use one.

birdlover32767 commented 5 months ago

What are the 8 different scaffoldings? I only know and use one.

see it defines 8 different scaffolding types

reinforced ones don't break if they float, and iron scaffolding requires a pick to mine

SwissalpS commented 5 months ago

on pandorabox only bridger:scaffolding is available and so I was convinced we were talking about that one.

birdlover32767 commented 5 months ago

well there is only one bridger scaffolding, i thought the scaffolding mod was installed, but nope

so the bridger scaffolding code is:

minetest.register_node("bridger:scaffolding", {
    description = "Scaffolding",
    drawtype = "glasslike_framed_optional",
    tiles = {"bridges_scaffolding.png", "bridges_scaffolding_detail.png"},
    paramtype = "light",
    sunlight_propagates = true,
    walkable = false,
    climbable = true,
    groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3, dig_immediate = 3},
    sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),

to make a colored version you can easily do this:

minetest.register_node("bridger:colored_scaffolding", {
    description = "Colored Scaffolding",
    drawtype = "glasslike_framed_optional",
    tiles = {"bridges_colored_scaffolding.png", "bridges_colored_scaffolding_detail.png"},
    paramtype = "light",
    sunlight_propagates = true,
    walkable = false,
    climbable = true,
    groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3, dig_immediate = 3, ud_param2_colorable = 1}, -- ud_param2_colorable is new
    sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
    airbrush_replacement_node = "bridger:scaffolding", -- new line
    on_dig = unifieddyes.on_dig -- new line
    paramtype2 = "color", -- new line
    palette = "unifieddyes_palette_extended.png", -- new line

the colored texture is just desaturated, maybe color-corrected scaffolding

SwissalpS commented 5 months ago

last commit was three years ago, PRs stacking up ( ... might have to fork or do an override in [pandorabox_custom]. Latter looks simpler.

birdlover32767 commented 5 months ago

well, adding to pandorabox_custom is probably better (since it is custom to pandorabox after all)

but sure maybe open a pr if you wanna