pangeo-data / pangeo-datastore

Pangeo Cloud Datastore
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Corrupted CMIP6 dataset in pangeo's cmip6 bucket #137

Open rafa-guedes opened 1 year ago

rafa-guedes commented 1 year ago

Apologies if this is not the correct place to post this issue. We have noticed some corrupted/missing data in the following CMIP6 zstore with lon coordinate values being all nan and missing values also in the data (this store has only 12G compared with other members which are typically 90G).


We have created a new zarr store from netcdf data downloaded from ESFG. We tried to follow the same convention / chunks / attributes as in the original store.

We would like to ask if someone would be willing to check this new store and potentially use it to replace the corrupted one in pangeo's cmip6 gcs bucket, and more broadly, how is the formal process for contributing to new datasets in pangeo's bucket please?

Thanks, Rafael