pantheon-deprecated / terminus-deprecated

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Diff stats not refreshing until dashboard is viewed in browser #145

Open cboyden opened 10 years ago

cboyden commented 10 years ago

Intermittently, code changes that are made in SFTP mode aren't showing up in the Terminus diff stats. Terminus does not know the code has changed until you visit the dashboard in the browser, which sort of defeats the point.

Here's a recent example:

$ drush psite-commit $SITE dev --message=Contrib module updates
No changes found to commit, aborting.                                           [error]
$ drush psite-diffs $SITE dev
No diffs found.                                                                 [ok]
$ drush psite-diffs $SITE dev
No diffs found.                                                                 [ok]
$ drush psite-dash $SITE -y
Would you like to open this link now? (y/n): y
$ drush psite-diffs $SITE dev
 File  Deletions  Additions

This is not simply a question of timing. Yesterday I let some changes sit for almost an hour and still got "No diffs found" until I loaded the dashboard.

If you can't get up-to-date diffs by running psite-diffs, you're in more danger of blowing away changes if you switch back to Git.

mikevanwinkle commented 10 years ago

Hey @cboyden, I can replicate this behavior and have labeled it a bug. This one may not be a bug with terminus however, rather a bug in our api so I'll have to dig deeper and possibly consult a platform dev. Thanks for your patience.

joshkoenig commented 10 years ago

It's a little of both. Diffs are generated on-demand via a process that is triggered in the dashboard. We can/should refresh diffs whenever they are requested. Need to figure out how to kick/trigger the "watcher" process.