papers-we-love / organizers

Materials for starting a local Papers We Love chapter
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Chapter Request: Boston #1

Closed RichardLitt closed 9 years ago

RichardLitt commented 9 years ago

Have a chapter repository created within the Papers We Love organization: Open an issue on this repo requesting a chapter repo and telling us about yourself, who is helping you out, where we can find you online (twitter, etc) and where you're planning on starting the chapter. One of the Papers We Love administrators will get in touch with you and once everything is squared away will create the repo for your planned chapter. You will be added to a chapter-organizers team and given read / write access to the repo.

Where: Boston & Cambridge Who:

Existing management repository that can be moved and renamed: RichardLitt/papers-we-love-bos.

DarrenN commented 9 years ago

@RichardLitt do you have a GitHub username for Elena?

DarrenN commented 9 years ago

Repo created:

RichardLitt commented 9 years ago

Nice! Thank you! Alright, going to transfer over things from previous repo, work on getting a meeting setup sooner. I'll provide feedback on how this can be streamlined for others as I go.

DarrenN commented 9 years ago


RichardLitt commented 9 years ago

Oh, and Elena's GitHub name was linked above: