paradigmatic / Configrity

Simple, immutable and flexible configuration library for scala.
132 stars 19 forks source link

Configrity README file

Configrity is a configuration library for Scala 2.10 or +. Configuration instances are immutable, thread-safe and allow functional design patterns, such as:

The API is stable and covered by tests.

Build Status


import org.streum.configrity._

val config = Configuration.load( "server.conf" )

val hostname = config[String]("host")
val port = config[Int]("port")

val updatedConfig = config.set ("port",8080 ) "local.conf" ) 





Configrity depends on Scala 2.10 or newer.

While core features do not depend on external libraries, some modules may. In that case, the approriate dependencies will be automatically installed by sbt/maven.


From SBT

The dependency line is:

"org.streum" %% "configrity-core" % "1.0.0"

Additional modules require addition dependency lines. Check the wiki for more information:

From Maven, Buildr, Ivy, Grape and Grails

Follow the repository instructions.

From source (master branch)

To install Configrity you just need a working java installation (tested with JDK 1.6 and 1.7, but may work with 1.5) and SBT 0.13.5:

$ git clone git://
$ cd Configrity
$ sbt
> test
> doc
> package


See the wiki:

A scaladoc reference can be found online:


Reporting bugs and asking for features

You can github issues tracker, to report bugs or to ask for new features:

Submitting patches

Patches are gladly accepted from their original author. Along with any patches, please state that the patch is your original work and that you license the work to the Configrity project under the LGPLv3 or a compatible license.

To propose a patch, fork the project and send a pull request via github. Tests are appreciated.

License and ownership

Configrity is a free and open source library released under the permissive GNU LesserGPLv3 license (see LICENSE.txt).

Copyright (C) 2011-2014. Paradigmatic. All rights reserved.