parallaxinc / PropellerIDE

An easy-to-use, cross-platform IDE for the Parallax Propeller
GNU General Public License v3.0
70 stars 26 forks source link

Compiler crash in Mac OS X Sierra cause the IDE to lockup #41

Open Godzil opened 8 years ago

Godzil commented 8 years ago

I'm running Mac OS X Sierra which is of course a beta, so the openspin/bstc crash can come from here, I don't have the log yet about the crash, but after loading a .spin file, and try to use any command that will compile it, I get a "Process crashed" error dialog, and as soon the dialog is dismissed the IDE become unresponsive (beach-balling).

The crash is not related, even if it would need to be investigated to understand what failed, but the IDE should recover from that crash and not stop answering to user input.

I will try to get logs to see if there is anything interesting

capture d ecran 2016-08-01 a 13 33 25

Godzil commented 8 years ago

Log from running PropellerIDE from the command line:

Maya:Code godzil$ /Applications/ 
lun. août 1 13:37:05 2016 [DEBUG] PropellerIDE - An easy-to-use, cross-platform IDE for the Parallax Propeller
lun. août 1 13:37:05 2016 [DEBUG] Version: 0.38.5
lun. août 1 13:37:05 2016 [DEBUG] Arch: x86_64-little_endian-lp64
lun. août 1 13:37:05 2016 [DEBUG] OS: Mac, OS X 10.12
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG] Loading language definition: Spin
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG]     Extensions:  ("spin")
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG]     Build steps:
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG]        ("bstc")
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG]        ("openspin")
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG] Loading language definition: PropBASIC
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG]     Extensions:  ("pbas", "plib")
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG]     Build steps:
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG]        ("propbasic", "bstc")
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG] Loading compiler config: "openspin"
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG] Loading compiler config: "bstc"
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG] Loading compiler config: "propbasic"
lun. août 1 13:37:08 2016 [DEBUG] Adding compiler path: "/Applications/"
lun. août 1 13:37:13 2016 [DEBUG] loading ":/themes/Terminal.theme"
lun. août 1 13:37:13 2016 [DEBUG] loading "/Users/godzil/Library/Preferences/com.parallax.www.PropellerIDE.plist"
lun. août 1 13:37:13 2016 [DEBUG] saving "/Users/godzil/Library/Preferences/com.parallax.www.PropellerIDE.plist"
lun. août 1 13:37:13 2016 [WARN ] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
lun. août 1 13:37:13 2016 [WARN ] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
lun. août 1 13:37:13 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:37:13 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:37:20 2016 [DEBUG] opening "/Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin"
lun. août 1 13:37:20 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:37:22 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:37:22 2016 [DEBUG] Building project "/Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin"
lun. août 1 13:37:22 2016 [DEBUG] /Applications/
lun. août 1 13:37:22 2016 [DEBUG]      /Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin
lun. août 1 13:37:22 2016 [DEBUG]      -o/Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM
lun. août 1 13:37:22 2016 [DEBUG]      -b
lun. août 1 13:37:22 2016 [DEBUG]      -Oucrg
lun. août 1 13:37:22 2016 [ERROR] Process crashed

Nothing else, then I've tryed to run bstc by hand:

Maya:Code godzil$ /Applications/ /Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin -o/tmp/OneLinerPASM -b -Oucrg
Segmentation fault: 11

I will try with openspin to see.

Godzil commented 8 years ago

So openspin is basically working and the IDE does not lockup:

Maya:Code godzil$ /Applications/ 
lun. août 1 13:39:42 2016 [DEBUG] PropellerIDE - An easy-to-use, cross-platform IDE for the Parallax Propeller
lun. août 1 13:39:42 2016 [DEBUG] Version: 0.38.5
lun. août 1 13:39:42 2016 [DEBUG] Arch: x86_64-little_endian-lp64
lun. août 1 13:39:42 2016 [DEBUG] OS: Mac, OS X 10.12
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG] Loading language definition: Spin
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG]     Extensions:  ("spin")
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG]     Build steps:
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG]        ("bstc")
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG]        ("openspin")
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG] Loading language definition: PropBASIC
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG]     Extensions:  ("pbas", "plib")
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG]     Build steps:
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG]        ("propbasic", "bstc")
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG] Loading compiler config: "openspin"
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG] Loading compiler config: "bstc"
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG] Loading compiler config: "propbasic"
lun. août 1 13:39:44 2016 [DEBUG] Adding compiler path: "/Applications/"
lun. août 1 13:39:50 2016 [DEBUG] loading ":/themes/Terminal.theme"
lun. août 1 13:39:50 2016 [DEBUG] loading "/Users/godzil/Library/Preferences/com.parallax.www.PropellerIDE.plist"
lun. août 1 13:39:50 2016 [DEBUG] saving "/Users/godzil/Library/Preferences/com.parallax.www.PropellerIDE.plist"
lun. août 1 13:39:50 2016 [WARN ] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
lun. août 1 13:39:50 2016 [WARN ] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
lun. août 1 13:39:50 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:39:50 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:39:55 2016 [DEBUG] opening "/Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin"
lun. août 1 13:39:55 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:39:55 2016 [DEBUG] loading "/Users/godzil/Library/Preferences/com.parallax.www.PropellerIDE.plist"
lun. août 1 13:39:57 2016 [DEBUG] COMPILER ("openspin")
lun. août 1 13:39:59 2016 [DEBUG] saving "/Users/godzil/Library/Preferences/com.parallax.www.PropellerIDE.plist"
lun. août 1 13:39:59 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:39:59 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:40:01 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:40:01 2016 [DEBUG] Building project "/Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin"
lun. août 1 13:40:01 2016 [DEBUG] /Applications/
lun. août 1 13:40:01 2016 [DEBUG]      /Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin
lun. août 1 13:40:01 2016 [DEBUG]      -o/Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.binary

An open-source compiler for Propeller Spin
Copyright © 2012-2015 Parallax, Inc.

Compiling /Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin
Program size is 636 bytes
lun. août 1 13:40:01 2016 [DEBUG] "Done"
lun. août 1 13:40:07 2016 [DEBUG] spawnMemoryMap()
lun. août 1 13:40:07 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
lun. août 1 13:40:07 2016 [DEBUG] Building project "/Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin"
lun. août 1 13:40:07 2016 [DEBUG] /Applications/
lun. août 1 13:40:07 2016 [DEBUG]      /Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin
lun. août 1 13:40:07 2016 [DEBUG]      -o/Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.binary
lun. août 1 13:40:08 2016 [WARN ] QObject::connect: No such slot BuildManager::load(const QByteArray &)
lun. août 1 13:40:08 2016 [WARN ] QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'MemoryMap')
lun. août 1 13:40:08 2016 [WARN ] QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'buildManager')
lun. août 1 13:40:08 2016 [DEBUG] new clock mode: "XTAL1 + PLL16X"

An open-source compiler for Propeller Spin
Copyright © 2012-2015 Parallax, Inc.

Compiling /Users/godzil/Desktop/Propeller/OneLinerPASM.spin
Program size is 636 bytes
lun. août 1 13:40:10 2016 [DEBUG] "Done"
lun. août 1 13:40:10 2016 [DEBUG] new clock frequency: 80000000
lun. août 1 13:40:12 2016 [DEBUG] updating project view
Maya:Code godzil$ 

bstc have an issue, but the IDE should not lockup this way. (I'm using the latest release)

dgately commented 7 years ago

bstc gets a segmentation fault 11 when run (even on the command line) on macOS Sierra (10.12). This is not the Beta Sierra, but the actual released OS.

I know that bstc sources are NOT available, so looks like PropellerIDE should:

A) allow compile process such as "propBasic->OpenSpin" or B) use some other spin compiler...

Note, the PropBasic source that I was compiling created a @@@ type reference "__ascii_adr LONG @@@ascii", which OpenSpin cannot compile. That "known" bug/feature needs to be resolved in order to use OpenSpin for many projects. (Oh well!)

Segmentation Fault 11 log: bstc_seg_fault_on_macOS_Sierra.txt

Good luck!

j105rob commented 7 years ago

Any progress on getting this fixed? I am having the exact same issue OSX Sierra 10.12.4.

bartgrantham commented 7 years ago

I'm getting this as well on macOS 10.12.5 with PropellerIDE 0.38.4 and 0.38.5. Is it a bug in the entire 0.38.x line?

mrWheel commented 6 years ago

I'm using Sierra 10.12.6 and having the same problem (crashing propellerIDE 0.38.5). Is this going to be fixed or is there an alternative?

j105rob commented 6 years ago

FYI... I am a security conference organizer and I am using the Parallax badge extensively. Is this going to get fixed anytime soon? I am @3xplo1t2 on twitter and I am responsible for BSides Charm City badges this year. Can you please at least provide an update to the progress?

drawkula commented 6 years ago


Are we there yet?

bartgrantham commented 6 years ago

@drawkula : what do you mean? It was working until 0.38.x, but the 0.38.x line appears to be broken on macOS.

drawkula commented 6 years ago

@@@ now works in OpenSpin? Why did I miss it?

bartgrantham commented 6 years ago

Oh, sorry. I missed the discussion about @@@, I was referring to PropIDE altogether not working.

I have no idea the status of @@@.

drawkula commented 6 years ago

Mixed topics smoothie... :-) I'm silent now...

nyholku commented 5 years ago

This happens to me on 'macOS 10.13.6 (17G2208)' (High Sierra) making it useless to me.

Moving at tangent: II tried to compile the IDE from source and managed to get it to compile but it does not find openspin (which I also compiled from source) event though it is on the path. I could not find any instructions how to configure the ide to use the compiler as there is no 'browse' button it the preferences dialog.

Or do I need to dive into the source code and debug this myself?

avsa242 commented 5 years ago

@nyholku I've run into this in the past, too, and the only quick way I've found to get around it is to have both the propelleride and openspin binaries in the same directory (e.g., both in $HOME/bin). Just now I've tried to move my copy of openspin to /usr/bin, while my propelleride binary remains in $HOME/bin, and despite both directories being in my PATH, the IDE doesn't find it. Moving it back to $HOME/bin, it works.

nyholku commented 5 years ago

Thanks! That did it. For some reason the 'official' build now also seems to 'not crash', need to investigate this further.