paritytech / subxt

Interact with Substrate based nodes in Rust or WebAssembly
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Lightclient gossiping not available - OpenFailed ProtocolNotAvailable #1330

Open snowmead opened 9 months ago

snowmead commented 9 months ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **snowmead** December 19, 2023 Based on this subxt [`LightClient`]() example, the gossip protocol does not seem to be available. ``` 2023-12-19T15:24:08.272992Z DEBUG network: Gossip(local_testnet, 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp) => OpenFailed(error=Substream(Substream(ProtocolNotAvailable))) ``` My configuration is based on the raw chain spec built from the template node I am running and overriding the bootnodes to connect to the locally running node. The `await` on the `build()` function hangs and loops with the same logs shown below. ```rust let chain_spec = match chain { SupportedChains::Local | SupportedChains::Compose => { include_bytes!("metadata/local/local.scale"); include_str!("metadata/local/customSpecRaw.json") }, }; let api = LightClient::::builder() .bootnodes(chain.bootnodes()) .max_pending_requests(NonZeroU32::MAX) .build(chain_spec) .await .expect("Failed to create light client"); ``` Lightclient logs: ``` 2023-12-19T15:24:08.158024Z INFO libp2p_swarm: local_peer_id=12D3KooWM97vjfGBVS139zPB737Lf9gBQWsV1jg3v7dr5QQYDwFb 2023-12-19T15:24:08.158147Z DEBUG libp2p_tcp: listening on address address= 2023-12-19T15:24:08.158230Z DEBUG netlink_proto::handle: handle: forwarding new request to connection 2023-12-19T15:24:08.262706Z INFO smoldot: Chain initialization complete for local_testnet. Name: "Local Testnet". Genesis hash: 0x957e…5c38. Chain specification starting at: 0x957e…5c38 (#0) 2023-12-19T15:24:08.262921Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp 2023-12-19T15:24:08.263020Z DEBUG json-rpc-local_testnet: JSON-RPC => {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1", "method":"chain_getFinalizedHead","params":[]} 2023-12-19T15:24:08.263130Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker => NewDownload(block=0x957e…5c38) 2023-12-19T15:24:08.263224Z WARN json-rpc-local_testnet: The JSON-RPC client has just called a JSON-RPC function from the legacy JSON-RPC API (chain_getFinalizedHead). Legacy JSON-RPC functions have loose semantics and cannot be properly implemented on a light client. You are encouraged to use the new JSON-RPC API instead. The legacy JSON-RPC API functions will be deprecated and removed in the distant future. 2023-12-19T15:24:08.263257Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= Reset(finalized_block: 0x957e…5c38) 2023-12-19T15:24:08.263346Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp) <= StartConnecting(remote_addr=/ip4/, local_peer_id=12D3KooWNTPGrD9hc9CBoYbbueaCyUTcRTP4T2ZV3KHAJmTXD7u1) 2023-12-19T15:24:08.271649Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp, /ip4/ => HandshakeFinished 2023-12-19T15:24:08.271748Z DEBUG network: Gossip(local_testnet, 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp) <= Open 2023-12-19T15:24:08.272992Z DEBUG network: Gossip(local_testnet, 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp) => OpenFailed(error=Substream(Substream(ProtocolNotAvailable))) 2023-12-19T15:24:08.273043Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∌ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp (ban_duration=15s) 2023-12-19T15:24:08.773370Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp) => IdentifyRequest 2023-12-19T15:24:13.263114Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer 2023-12-19T15:24:18.263177Z WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0x957e…5c38) 2023-12-19T15:24:23.263347Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer 2023-12-19T15:24:23.273360Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp 2023-12-19T15:24:23.273483Z DEBUG network: Gossip(local_testnet, 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp) <= Open 2023-12-19T15:24:23.274518Z DEBUG network: Gossip(local_testnet, 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp) => OpenFailed(error=Substream(Substream(ProtocolNotAvailable))) 2023-12-19T15:24:23.274555Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∌ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp (ban_duration=15s) 2023-12-19T15:24:28.263383Z WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0x957e…5c38) ``` And I have this warning message regarding the RPC api used to query `chain_getFinalizedHead`. The legacy RPC call is being utilized instead of the new one. Is there some flag or configuration I need to specify to fix this, or is it simply not implemented in the library yet? ``` 2023-12-19T15:24:08.263224Z WARN json-rpc-local_testnet: The JSON-RPC client has just called a JSON-RPC function from the legacy JSON-RPC API (chain_getFinalizedHead). Legacy JSON-RPC functions have loose semantics and cannot be properly implemented on a light client. You are encouraged to use the new JSON-RPC API instead. The legacy JSON-RPC API functions will be deprecated and removed in the distant future. 2023-12-19T15:24:08.263257Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= Reset(finalized_block: 0x957e…5c38) ```
niklasad1 commented 9 months ago

Based on this subxt LightClient example, the gossip protocol does not seem to be available.

I don't know but can you provide some steps how to reproduce that? Could be something in the chain spec that causes that because the chain spec is passed/handled by smoldot and subxt isn't managing that directly.... when @lexnv is back he can probably take a look as well

And I have this warning message regarding the RPC api used to query chain_getFinalizedHead.

The legacy RPC call is being utilized instead of the new one. Is there some flag or configuration I need to specify to fix this, or is it simply not implemented in the library yet?

It's implemented by the subxt but it's not used when initializing the client because LightClientBuilder::build calls from_rpc_client which using the legacy RPC

We should fix that and I think the reason is that the new RPC spec was implemented after the LightClient was initially added but thanks for raising the issue. @lexnv any other reasons for that?

snowmead commented 8 months ago

I generate the chainspec using the following commands from a substrate node template:

./target/debug/node-template build-spec > chain_spec.json
./target/debug/node-template build-spec --chain=chain_spec.json --raw --disable-default-bootnode > customSpecRaw.json

The rest is described above. Nothing special added to the bootstrapping process.

jsdw commented 8 months ago

We should fix that and I think the reason is that the new RPC spec was implemented after the LightClient was initially added but thanks for raising the issue. @lexnv any other reasons for that?

Just to add; Subxt has two "backends" which determine the RPC methods that will be called. The "legacy backend" is the default one, and calls the "legacy" (ie old) RPC methods. Smoldot emits the warnings you see when such legacy methods are used, because they are not properly specified.

Subxt also supports the "new" chainHead RPC methods which will eventually replace these and are properly specified (see These are not the default yet though becaus they are still a WIP and aren't themselves stabilised yet, so they may break at any time. When they are stabilised, Subxt will use them by default and the warnings will go away.

The await on the build() function hangs and loops with the same logs shown below.

It appears from the logs that the chain_getFinalizedHead RPC call is made (the first call we await on when you .build(chain_spec)), but no response is seen coming back. Indeed the OpenFailed and then NoPeer messages are suspicious. It might be that the Smoldot update in eg #1337 will help. it might also be that the bootnode config has some issue and isn't pointing to the correct locally running node; @snowmead I wonder whether things seem to work (or at least make more progress) when you leave the bootnodes list alone (ie so it can connect to the default bootnodes)?

We should also double check that we can configure a light client to point to a dev node and it works ok still (eg start with this example and if that works as-is, we could try to export the chainspec as above and does that still work?)

snowmead commented 8 months ago

@jsdw @niklasad1

It appears from the logs that the chain_getFinalizedHead RPC call is made (the first call we await on when you .build(chain_spec)), but no response is seen coming back. Indeed the OpenFailed and then NoPeer messages are suspicious. It might be that the Smoldot update in eg will help.

After cloning subxt which runs with smoldot = 0.15, it reaches some new error. It still hangs and can't complete the build step.

2024-01-03T20:56:57.886815Z  INFO libp2p_swarm: local_peer_id=12D3KooWHUCJaYZYUxn4bzaYqyxsDxK8cwJpeXXDKACppPRH84uP
2024-01-03T20:56:57.887334Z DEBUG libp2p_tcp: listening on address address=*******:33411
2024-01-03T20:56:58.048946Z  INFO smoldot: Chain initialization complete for local_testnet. Name: "Local Testnet". Genesis hash: 0x957e…5c38. Chain specification starting at: 0x957e…5c38 (#0)
2024-01-03T20:56:58.049813Z DEBUG network: Chains <= AddChain(id=local_testnet)
2024-01-03T20:56:58.050881Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= Reset(finalized_block: 0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:56:58.051193Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker => NewDownload(block=0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:56:58.051395Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp
2024-01-03T20:56:58.051612Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= FailedDownload(blocks=[0x957e…5c38], error=StorageQuery(StorageQueryError { errors: [] }))
2024-01-03T20:56:58.051741Z DEBUG json-rpc-local_testnet: JSON-RPC => {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1", "method":"chain_getFinalizedHead","params":[]}
2024-01-03T20:56:58.051999Z  WARN json-rpc-local_testnet: The JSON-RPC client has just called a JSON-RPC function from the legacy JSON-RPC API (chain_getFinalizedHead). Legacy JSON-RPC functions have loose semantics and cannot be properly implemented on a light client. You are encouraged to use the new JSON-RPC API <> instead. The legacy JSON-RPC API functions will be deprecated and removed in the distant future.
2024-01-03T20:56:58.052113Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp) <= StartConnecting(remote_addr=/ip4/*********/tcp/30333, local_peer_id=12D3KooWE959kG47tN61JtDnedcvxfwgW4RUA3HMiSGXtNLtM9Vt)
2024-01-03T20:56:58.058095Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp, /ip4/*********/tcp/30333) => HandshakePeerIdMismatch(actual=12D3KooWDbCHMVTFaq6aGMNYK5GuzErCtNStNoW2hH8iHYYt7R5G)
2024-01-03T20:56:58.058241Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∌ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp (reason=no-address, ban-duration=10s)
2024-01-03T20:56:58.565000Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWDbCHMVTFaq6aGMNYK5GuzErCtNStNoW2hH8iHYYt7R5G) => IdentifyRequest
2024-01-03T20:57:00.061535Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWDbCHMVTFaq6aGMNYK5GuzErCtNStNoW2hH8iHYYt7R5G, /ip4/*********/tcp/30333) => Ping(2.380625ms)
2024-01-03T20:57:03.049160Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer
2024-01-03T20:57:08.050025Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:57:08.051998Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker => NewDownload(block=0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:57:08.052221Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= FailedDownload(blocks=[0x957e…5c38], error=StorageQuery(StorageQueryError { errors: [] }))
2024-01-03T20:57:08.059098Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp
2024-01-03T20:57:08.059195Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∌ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp (reason=no-address, ban-duration=10s)
2024-01-03T20:57:13.050860Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer
2024-01-03T20:57:18.051226Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:57:18.056190Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker => NewDownload(block=0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:57:18.056460Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= FailedDownload(blocks=[0x957e…5c38], error=StorageQuery(StorageQueryError { errors: [] }))
2024-01-03T20:57:18.059642Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp
2024-01-03T20:57:18.059742Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∌ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp (reason=no-address, ban-duration=10s)
2024-01-03T20:57:20.066570Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWDbCHMVTFaq6aGMNYK5GuzErCtNStNoW2hH8iHYYt7R5G, /ip4/*********/tcp/30333) => Ping(6.159416ms)
2024-01-03T20:57:28.052460Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:57:28.056814Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker => NewDownload(block=0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:57:28.056985Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= FailedDownload(blocks=[0x957e…5c38], error=StorageQuery(StorageQueryError { errors: [] }))
2024-01-03T20:57:28.060207Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp
2024-01-03T20:57:28.060369Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∌ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp (reason=no-address, ban-duration=10s)
2024-01-03T20:57:33.051963Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer

I wonder whether things seem to work (or at least make more progress) when you leave the bootnodes list alone (ie so it can connect to the default bootnodes)?

I also tried removing the bootnodes() config and this did not help since it will not try to connect to the local running node.

2024-01-03T20:45:09.423674Z  INFO libp2p_swarm: local_peer_id=12D3KooWK1U42tF4FjhsVJ6ymzw4YgFNSknHxwXjHG4ACkE7SB5L
2024-01-03T20:45:09.424220Z DEBUG libp2p_tcp: listening on address address=*******:33411
2024-01-03T20:45:09.581845Z  INFO smoldot: Chain initialization complete for local_testnet. Name: "Local Testnet". Genesis hash: 0x957e…5c38. Chain specification starting at: 0x957e…5c38 (#0)
2024-01-03T20:45:09.583041Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker => NewDownload(block=0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:45:09.583348Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= Reset(finalized_block: 0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:45:09.583392Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWM53NaHyeVgRPoS7iN8HsE9sJPF1Sg8poCYWrV9Qf5ZhZ
2024-01-03T20:45:09.583616Z DEBUG json-rpc-local_testnet: JSON-RPC => {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1", "method":"chain_getFinalizedHead","params":[]}
2024-01-03T20:45:09.583904Z  WARN json-rpc-local_testnet: The JSON-RPC client has just called a JSON-RPC function from the legacy JSON-RPC API (chain_getFinalizedHead). Legacy JSON-RPC functions have loose semantics and cannot be properly implemented on a light client. You are encouraged to use the new JSON-RPC API <> instead. The legacy JSON-RPC API functions will be deprecated and removed in the distant future.
2024-01-03T20:45:09.584018Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWM53NaHyeVgRPoS7iN8HsE9sJPF1Sg8poCYWrV9Qf5ZhZ) <= StartConnecting(remote_addr=/ip4/*********/tcp/30333, local_peer_id=12D3KooWGiaCsJKAS4wRPJ7oBMusBsaUsVAFjHnJhQGoUYVxEGya)
2024-01-03T20:45:09.596835Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWM53NaHyeVgRPoS7iN8HsE9sJPF1Sg8poCYWrV9Qf5ZhZ, /ip4/*********/tcp/30333) => HandshakePeerIdMismatch(actual=12D3KooWDbCHMVTFaq6aGMNYK5GuzErCtNStNoW2hH8iHYYt7R5G)
2024-01-03T20:45:10.103379Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWDbCHMVTFaq6aGMNYK5GuzErCtNStNoW2hH8iHYYt7R5G) => IdentifyRequest
2024-01-03T20:45:14.582834Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer
2024-01-03T20:45:19.583161Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:45:19.598317Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWM53NaHyeVgRPoS7iN8HsE9sJPF1Sg8poCYWrV9Qf5ZhZ
2024-01-03T20:45:24.585242Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer
2024-01-03T20:45:29.584506Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:45:29.599883Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWM53NaHyeVgRPoS7iN8HsE9sJPF1Sg8poCYWrV9Qf5ZhZ
2024-01-03T20:45:39.585799Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:45:39.601297Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWM53NaHyeVgRPoS7iN8HsE9sJPF1Sg8poCYWrV9Qf5ZhZ
lexnv commented 8 months ago

From looking at the logs, the issue seems to be that the lightclient is stuck during warp sync:

2024-01-03T20:45:19.583161Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0x957e…5c38)
2024-01-03T20:45:39.585799Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0x957e…5c38)

This is most likely related to my investigation work and and the following smoldot issue

To work around the issue, I would try cherry-picking this patch:; although a proper fix in smoldot should handle this for production use-case

snowmead commented 7 months ago

After applying this patch, I get this error still when it attempts to download blocks:

2024-02-02T18:22:42.103334Z  INFO libp2p_swarm: local_peer_id=12D3KooWP5J8ESCkrKdiH3YLfxRqS499af6thUtC7fuJMpvQyqFb
2024-02-02T18:22:42.103848Z DEBUG libp2p_tcp: listening on address address=
2024-02-02T18:22:42.104540Z  INFO storage_hub_client::lightclient::client: Lightclient bootstrapping API...
2024-02-02T18:22:48.271319Z  INFO smoldot: Chain initialization complete for local_testnet. Name: "Local Testnet". Genesis hash: 0xac28…7046. Chain specification starting at: 0xac28…7046 (#0)
2024-02-02T18:22:48.272741Z DEBUG network: Chains <= AddChain(id=local_testnet)
2024-02-02T18:22:48.273245Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= Reset(finalized_block: 0xac28…7046)
2024-02-02T18:22:48.273744Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker => NewDownload(block=0xac28…7046)
2024-02-02T18:22:48.273914Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp
2024-02-02T18:22:48.274016Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= FailedDownload(blocks=[0xac28…7046], error=StorageQuery(StorageQueryError { errors: [] }))
2024-02-02T18:22:48.274065Z DEBUG json-rpc-local_testnet: JSON-RPC => {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1", "method":"chain_getFinalizedHead","params":[]}
2024-02-02T18:22:48.274375Z  WARN json-rpc-local_testnet: The JSON-RPC client has just called a JSON-RPC function from the legacy JSON-RPC API (chain_getFinalizedHead). Legacy JSON-RPC functions have loose semantics and cannot be properly implemented on a light client. You are encouraged to use the new JSON-RPC API <> instead. The legacy JSON-RPC API functions will be deprecated and removed in the distant future.
2024-02-02T18:22:48.274488Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp) <= StartConnecting(remote_addr=/ip4/, local_peer_id=12D3KooWQi2CFcxPDxGHKPUHHYswyQjHV4jX4rfHGpK13Dn92xZS)
2024-02-02T18:22:48.274773Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer
2024-02-02T18:22:48.280662Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp, /ip4/ => HandshakePeerIdMismatch(actual=12D3KooWHkPU9zgy88JCesMSZaQ4w5cQjitKXkBgarx1S9L1HYfH)
2024-02-02T18:22:48.280796Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∌ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp (reason=no-address, ban-duration=10s)
2024-02-02T18:22:48.789314Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWHkPU9zgy88JCesMSZaQ4w5cQjitKXkBgarx1S9L1HYfH) => IdentifyRequest
2024-02-02T18:22:50.289037Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWHkPU9zgy88JCesMSZaQ4w5cQjitKXkBgarx1S9L1HYfH, /ip4/ => Ping(4.145916ms)
2024-02-02T18:22:52.276124Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer
2024-02-02T18:22:58.272803Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0xac28…7046)
2024-02-02T18:22:58.275269Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker => NewDownload(block=0xac28…7046)
2024-02-02T18:22:58.275641Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= FailedDownload(blocks=[0xac28…7046], error=StorageQuery(StorageQueryError { errors: [] }))
2024-02-02T18:22:58.287472Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp
2024-02-02T18:22:58.287603Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∌ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp (reason=no-address, ban-duration=10s)
2024-02-02T18:23:00.277302Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer
2024-02-02T18:23:08.276128Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0xac28…7046)
2024-02-02T18:23:08.276840Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker => NewDownload(block=0xac28…7046)
2024-02-02T18:23:08.277590Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= FailedDownload(blocks=[0xac28…7046], error=StorageQuery(StorageQueryError { errors: [] }))
2024-02-02T18:23:08.288944Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp
2024-02-02T18:23:08.289251Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∌ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp (reason=no-address, ban-duration=10s)
2024-02-02T18:23:10.288438Z DEBUG network: Connections(12D3KooWHkPU9zgy88JCesMSZaQ4w5cQjitKXkBgarx1S9L1HYfH, /ip4/ => Ping(2.437916ms)
2024-02-02T18:23:16.278693Z DEBUG network: Discovery(local_testnet) => NoPeer
2024-02-02T18:23:18.277286Z  WARN sync-service-local_testnet: GrandPa warp sync idle at block #0 (0x0xac28…7046)
2024-02-02T18:23:18.277761Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker => NewDownload(block=0xac28…7046)
2024-02-02T18:23:18.278078Z DEBUG runtime-local_testnet: Worker <= FailedDownload(blocks=[0xac28…7046], error=StorageQuery(StorageQueryError { errors: [] }))
2024-02-02T18:23:18.290121Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∋ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp
2024-02-02T18:23:18.290360Z DEBUG network: Slots(local_testnet) ∌ 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp (reason=no-address, ban-duration=10s)

FailedDownload(blocks=[0xac28…7046], error=StorageQuery(StorageQueryError { errors: [] }))

Code snippet for bootstrapping lightclient:

// ...

info!("Lightclient bootstrapping API...");

let api = LightClient::<PolkadotConfig>::builder()
        .expect("Failed to create light client");

info!("API bootstrapped!");

// ...
lexnv commented 7 months ago

Hey, thanks for letting us know.

Could you retry running with the latest origin/master? We have included a series of fixes, out of which should handle this.

links234 commented 5 months ago

Hello! I've tried to use the new version and this problem persists.

I am generating the chain spec as @snowmead mentioned. The code is the example with just the chain spec changed. The parachain is a forked substrate-node-template example (which uses polkadot-v1.0.0) with minor changes. Logs are the same as here.