parttio / touchkit

TouchKit is a library of mobile components for Vaadin Framework
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cannot install with Vaadin 8 #8

Open faurad opened 6 years ago

faurad commented 6 years ago

after adding touchkit dependency to a vaddin 8 spring app , maven cannot download and compile widgesets:

Widgetsets found from classpath: org.vaadin.touchkit.gwt.TouchKitWidgetSet in file:/C:/Users/Adrian/.m2/repository/org/vaadin/touchkit/touchkit/5.0.0.beta1/touchkit- 5.0.0.beta1.jar com.vaadin.board.BoardWidgetSet in file:/C:/Users/Adrian/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-board/1.0.0/vaadin-board-1.0.0.jar com.vaadin.addon.charts.Widgetset in file:/C:/Users/Adrian/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-charts/4.0.0/vaadin-charts-4.0.0.jar

Search took 2013ms [INFO] 3 addons found. log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.DocumentProvider). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. [INFO] Widgetset config created to C:\Adrian\eventshark.workspace\eventshark\target\generated-sources\wscdn\ Public URL: n ull [INFO] [INFO] --- vaadin-maven-plugin:8.1.5:compile-theme (default) @ eventshark --- [INFO] Updating theme VAADIN\themes\apptheme [INFO] Theme "VAADIN\themes\apptheme" compiled [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ eventshark --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] Copying 10 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ eventshark --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 83 source files to C:\Adrian\eventshark.workspace\eventshark\target\classes [INFO] [INFO] --- vaadin-maven-plugin:8.1.5:compile (default) @ eventshark ---

Vaadin Charts 4 registered to (Pro Tools subscription)

Vaadin Board 1 registered to (Pro Tools subscription)

Widgetsets found from classpath: org.vaadin.touchkit.gwt.TouchKitWidgetSet in file:/C:/Users/Adrian/.m2/repository/org/vaadin/touchkit/touchkit/5.0.0.beta1/touchkit- 5.0.0.beta1.jar com.vaadin.board.BoardWidgetSet in file:/C:/Users/Adrian/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-board/1.0.0/vaadin-board-1.0.0.jar com.vaadin.addon.charts.Widgetset in file:/C:/Users/Adrian/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-charts/4.0.0/vaadin-charts-4.0.0.jar

Search took 375ms [INFO] 3 addons found. [INFO] Fetching widgetset from CDN [WARNING] Retrying widgetset download - the server might be busy, please wait a moment [WARNING] Retrying widgetset download - the server might be busy, please wait a moment [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 04:26 min [INFO] Finished at: 2017-10-30T13:46:44-04:00 [INFO] Final Memory: 45M/369M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:8.1.5:compile (default) on project eventshark: Failed to download widgetset fr om CDN: NullPointerException -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1]

mstahv commented 6 years ago

It looks like there has been some issue with the CDN service. Does it still happen? Could you try with "local" setting for widgetset mode?