pascalduez / stylelint-config-css-modules

CSS modules shareable config for stylelint
The Unlicense
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Add support for detecting invalid @value syntax #1

Open kumarharsh opened 7 years ago

kumarharsh commented 7 years ago

Writing css like this:

@value small, large, from './breakpoints.css';

will fail while compiling (due to the trailing comma after large). Would it be possible for this plugin to add linting for this case?

pascalduez commented 7 years ago


this project is actually not a plugin but just a config, grouping already available rules. What you describe would indeed need a plugin with some cutom rule(s).

kumarharsh commented 7 years ago

OK, I understand. I'd been looking into how to write stylelint plugins myself... Would this feature request be in scope for this project, or should it be something separate?

pascalduez commented 7 years ago

I guess if there's a need for more specidifc rules then yes we could write a plugin. The naming would be different (stylelint-css-modules for instance) so obviously another package. And then the config could be part of it.