passportxyz / passport

Passport allows users to prove their identity through a secure, decentralized UI
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Embed: Extend CeramicCache Model to Include Scorer ID for Stamps #3064

Open nutrina opened 5 days ago

nutrina commented 5 days ago

User Story:

As a data analyst, I want to better understand the context in which a stamp has been created, So that I can evaluate our integrating partners more effectively.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN that I am a user of the Passport XYZ embed component, WHEN I create any stamp using the embed component, THEN the stamps should store the scorer_id in the metadata of the stamps that have been created.

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Tech Details:

Open Questions:


nutrina commented 4 days ago

@NadjibBenlaldj another question: shall we store more data than just the scorer_id? Like for example:

NadjibBenlaldj commented 4 days ago

That would be great: a field with where was the stamp created: custom dashboard or embed + scorer_id and we can set to the default scorer when stamp is created via the Passport App