pat42w / EF_Portfolio_Optimization

This project aims to test Portfolio Optimization methods on stock data in python.
MIT License
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Check for extra prerequisites #6

Closed eohara-ie closed 3 years ago

eohara-ie commented 3 years ago

Testing in relatively fresh environment on my Windows PC to check for additional required packages to add to requirements.txt

eohara-ie commented 3 years ago

Getting this error when running pip install -r requirements.txt:

error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Build Tools for Visual Studio":
eohara-ie commented 3 years ago

Seems to not affect the notebook so far

pat42w commented 3 years ago

I think it's needed for the pyportfolioopt parts. The DB part should work fine without this. But the solvers used for efficient frontier probably won't work

eohara-ie commented 3 years ago

Yeah pyportfolioopt didn't install as a result

pat42w commented 3 years ago

Just have to call our that visual studio as a pre requisite

eohara-ie commented 3 years ago

Yeah I see it's stated in the pyportfolioopt repo but no harm to emphasise it

pat42w commented 3 years ago

You can take the cattle to water but ya can't make them drink....

eohara-ie commented 3 years ago

I installed the C++ Build Tools as instructed in

Got this error numpy.core.multiarray failed to import which I fixed by updating numpy

Now seeing this

No module named 'plotly'
eohara-ie commented 3 years ago
pip install plotly

fixed that.

Now breaking here


'cf' is not defined

pat42w commented 3 years ago

Please add plotly to the requirements txt

pat42w commented 3 years ago

I think you can comment out the CF line which notebook is that in

eohara-ie commented 3 years ago


pat42w commented 3 years ago

Removed cf references from the files as it is not used anywhere, we can add the note: error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Build Tools for Visual Studio": .com/downloads/ to the readme but its fairly self explandatory from the pyportfolioopt error

eohara-ie commented 3 years ago

I think no harm to have it in pre-reqs section of the README Idiot-proof it

eohara-ie commented 3 years ago

Closing for now