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Add dataset for housing API #9

Open patcon opened 7 years ago

patcon commented 7 years ago

One of the TPL hackathon teams released a full project page complete with an API. @alexbelloni was hoping to see it added to this beta data portal.

@alexbelloni would this be something you'd be willing to submit a pull request for? If it seems appropriate to you, you could file it under the "Civic Tech Toronto" organization. This is an existing entry for another dataset, so you could just copy it into a new file and customize it to your liking:

patcon commented 7 years ago

So to clarify, I think you could include the API as a dataset if you wanted. and if you wanted to create a concise zone <-> neighborhood <-> ward mapping dataset, that would be extremely welcome as well...!

If the dataset could be the source of truth (ie. from which the API was derived), that would be even more amazing -- I've been trying to sell this idea to civic tech projects for awhile :) Basically, my suggestion is that the database that powered the API would be seeded/populated from the dataset you create. So then it wouldn't just be this dataset that's put out only for others, but that the spin-up of your own project depends on it. That approach strikes me as one where datasets are less likely to rot. I personally wish the city worked more like that, so I was hoping we could start leading by example with our civic tech projects...!

The city doesn't do this, but you could offer the dataset using the OKF data package format:

They have a subset tabular data package and JSON table schema. I need to do more reading to determine what makes most sense, but I think they have validators for each type, which should help

alexbelloni commented 7 years ago

Ok. I'll work it as soon as possible.

alexbelloni commented 7 years ago

Customized file content:

category: 'Locations and mapping / Development and infrastructure / Community services' maintainer: Alexandre Belloni Alves maintainer_email: notes: >- A Toronto instance of the Open Civic Data API, populated with data from the Housing Connections, Wellbeing Toronto, and City Planning Division maps. Information was extracted from EZHouz project (TPL Hackathon 2016). organization: Civic Tech Toronto resources: format: API name: EZHouz API - Toronto url: format: HTML name: API Endpoint Documentation url: schema: default title: Housing Zone Radar API source: ?

I'm creating a concise mapping dataset, how you advised.

patcon commented 7 years ago

Looks good, but in the description, you mention Open Civic Data API, which is actually a separate project, not part of the template that we should be using here:

If you have time to create that concise dataset, it could perhaps be a "resource" entry here, or a new dataset, spending how you feel about it :)

patcon commented 7 years ago

And I think I may have given you a bad example dataset to copy from -- "category" is either a string or an array using the categories we have set up here:

It's used for dynamically filtering, like this:

(the dataset I gave you uses a category no longer in that list, so I should fix that :)

Better example:

alexbelloni commented 7 years ago


alexbelloni commented 7 years ago

I made a website that shows some relationships by using the API:

patcon commented 7 years ago

Let's talk in person tomorrow night! :)

alexbelloni commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, I won't go to civic tech, today. Is it ok my dataset description, now? Maybe, we could talk about the API in a 10-minute meeting, this week, at a coffee shop.