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Mission: To provide a high-quality open content data structures textbook that is both mathematically rigorous and provides complete implementations.
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I think it is better to make it deep copy. #65

Open BruceWayneLinxu opened 6 years ago

BruceWayneLinxu commented 6 years ago

// array& operator=(array &b) { if (a != NULL) delete[] a; a = b.a; b.a = NULL; length = b.length; return *this; } a = b.a; // This is not deep copy.

tekinozbek commented 6 years ago

I would agree, especially since we have move semantics now. That function could just be refactored into array& operator=(array&& b). Not sure how this works in the context of the book though; it might be worth staying consistent with what Java is doing, since that's the original language used in the book.