We came across your plugin as we were searching for a plugin to sync grades of our schools with moodle.
As we have about 70 schools to manage, we were in need of an automated way.
Your Plugin is a good oportuninty for us.
Sadly, our AD is not designed for your plugin. Schools are sorted like DC=schulen -> OU=SCHULEN -> OU= -> OU={users, groups. computers, servers}.
A group that represents a grade is next to systemgroups for our management application inside 'ou=groups'.
Furthermore users are not inside the same ou as groups.
As tasks, we needed a filter to select only our grade-Groups.
Second, we had to define an additional context for our grade-groups.
As there was a $CFG Variable for additional contexts, I added an adminpanel field and combined this value with auth_ldap contexts.
Additional there was already an option to use filter with 'ldap_get_grouplist($filter = "*")'. I just added an adminpanel field. The defined value would be processed in 'sync_cohorts_by_group()'.
We came across your plugin as we were searching for a plugin to sync grades of our schools with moodle. As we have about 70 schools to manage, we were in need of an automated way. Your Plugin is a good oportuninty for us.
Sadly, our AD is not designed for your plugin. Schools are sorted like DC=schulen -> OU=SCHULEN -> OU= -> OU={users, groups. computers, servers}.
A group that represents a grade is next to systemgroups for our management application inside 'ou=groups'.
Furthermore users are not inside the same ou as groups.
As tasks, we needed a filter to select only our grade-Groups. Second, we had to define an additional context for our grade-groups.
As there was a $CFG Variable for additional contexts, I added an adminpanel field and combined this value with auth_ldap contexts.
Additional there was already an option to use filter with 'ldap_get_grouplist($filter = "*")'. I just added an adminpanel field. The defined value would be processed in 'sync_cohorts_by_group()'.
I hope these changes are in interest for someone.