paug / AndroidMakersApp

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Check and/or fix the notifications #225

Open enthuan opened 2 months ago

enthuan commented 2 months ago

With the move to KMP, I am unsure that the notifications still work on Android.

@martinbonnin is the server sending notifications to users based on their bookmarks? If the user is not logged in, we should trigger local notifications then, right ?

martinbonnin commented 2 months ago

I think we can do session notifications locally? The only use case for remote triggered notification is if the local agenda is out of sync with the remote one but I don't think it should happen often. Also it might be argued that it is confusing.

Overall, my preferred solution would be something like:

  1. Add session notifications locally.
  2. Figure out the server situation a. Add admin API to Confetti so that we can store bookmark information in the Confetti backend but still access it using AndroidMakers credentials. b. Or store bookmark information separately in the AndroidMakers backend (what we're doing right now).
  3. Add Signin to iOS and Android apps and synchronise bookmarks
  4. Add a notification channel for "Schedule changed! One of your bookmarked sessions time changed"
  5. Add a notification channel for "Announcements: Join us in Moebius in 10 minutes for the keynote"
martinbonnin commented 2 months ago

Alright, it's all coming back to me now! Last year I forked the Confetti backend to I'll do the same this year, will be easier. You can use in the meantime but bookmarks won't work as the Firebase auth token is not signed with matching credentials.