When Wordhat runs a WP-CLI command over SSH, if the remote host is unreachable, then the request should time out quickly, and display an appropriate error message.
Current behaviour
At least one of my projects, it just sits there. Seemingly forever.
Possible solution
Not obligatory, but you can suggest a fix/reason for the bug. Thanks!
Steps to reproduce
Provide a link to a live example, or an unambiguous set of steps to reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant.
Set up a Chassis project.
Modify wp-cli.yml "host = vagrant@domain.local"
Run a Behat test against a feature file.
I noticed it when I started to code without enough tea.
Expected behaviour
When Wordhat runs a WP-CLI command over SSH, if the remote host is unreachable, then the request should time out quickly, and display an appropriate error message.
Current behaviour
At least one of my projects, it just sits there. Seemingly forever.
Possible solution
Steps to reproduce
I noticed it when I started to code without enough tea.