paulgreg / UniquePasswordBuilder

A bookmarklet to generate strong password per site
MIT License
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Weird addition - output character distribution probably not inform. #17

Closed divVerent closed 5 years ago

divVerent commented 5 years ago

Why this weird addition? The result, asuming the inputs go from 0 to 255, will have a triangle probability distribution. You then are taking the mod with availableCharacters.length.

I think the intent is making the distribution more uniform, but byte1 * 256 + byte2 would be actually uniform at 16 bits and thus a lot better.

Probably a minor issue and not relevant in practice, and not worth an incompatible change (except when adding a new hash type and fixing this only for that one). Can you maybe just add a comment explaining how high the entropy per output character is (in bits) given this distribution?

divVerent commented 5 years ago
b=new Array(availableChars.length).fill(0); for(var i = 0; i < 255; ++i) for(var j = 0; j < 255; ++j) ++b[(i+j)%b.length]; b
(80) [811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 824, 823, 822, 821, 820, 819, 818, 817, 816, 815, 814, 813, 812, 811, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810, 810]
entropy = 0; for (var n of b) { var p = n / 65536.0; entropy += -p * Math.log2(p); } entropy

So the distribution is actually pretty good, we get 6.28 bits of entropy per password character (ideal would be 6.32). Not doing this addition BTW would yield "only" 6.27 bits ;)

Anyway, can you just add a comment there saying that this yields 6.28 bits per character of entropy?

paulgreg commented 5 years ago

Here the PR including that comment : What do you think ?

divVerent commented 5 years ago

Looks good, thanks!

Well, almost - sorry for wrong computation, I had a bug (< rather than <= 255). Correct entropy values are, from:

b=new Array(availableChars.length).fill(0); for(var i = 0; i <= 255; ++i) for(var j = 0; j <= 255; ++j) ++b[(i+j)%b.length]; entropy = 0; for (var n of b) { var p = n / 65536.0; entropy += -p * Math.log2(p); } [entropy, ...b]

So please just make the comment say 6.32 bits, and I think then this should be clear.

And yes, this is nitpicking - the damage done by the suboptimal operation is less than a single bit per password - but for the next person reviewing this, having the number 6.32 bits written there will be useful.
