paulirish / css3please

use Autoprefixer instead. <3
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Incrementing property values when the user scrolls is annoying! #88

Open Daniel-Hug opened 12 years ago

Daniel-Hug commented 12 years ago

The ability to increment property values with the mouse wheel is kind of a cool feature, but when you consider the experience you are giving your users, it can be quite annoying.

On CSS3please, when a user has finished customizing a property's values, he will often scroll down the page to see what other cool CSS3 features exist. A user has certain expectations when it comes to a webpage's functionality, such as being able to scroll down the page with the mouse wheel; However with this script in place, when the user scrolls, the values of the property he just edited, will be incremented/decremented an unknown value, and the page essentially loses its scrolling functionality. This user (which doesn't want you to make him think) has now forgotten the values of the property, and get's really frustrated with CSS3Please.

A website needs to live up to a user's expectations, and deliver certain essential functionality to every user. It is my opinion that the current script used does more harm than good. I would suggest looking into Lea Verou's approach of incrementing / decrementing property values with the up / down arrows:

I hope you take this into consideration, and I hope to see more updates soon. Great work so far on CSS3Please, I can tell a lot of research went into each set of rules for a cross-browser solution.

Thanks! -Daniel

chriscct7 commented 12 years ago

I second this motion.